Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Yeah Hello Diesel

I have just met Diesel and I am about to take him home (28th March)
I kept putting my feet on the table
Mummy - "Do we eat off the floor?"
Neo - "No"
Mummy - "That's because its dirty, so we eat at the table. So no feet on the table because feet go where?"
Neo - "On the floor"
Mummy - "And whats the floor?"
Neo - "Tiles"

Sunday, 28 April 2013

I'm a big brother !!!


Diesel Phoenix was born on the 26th March in Dubai at 4:06pm weighing a tiny 6lb 10oz, mummy says that he is tiny compared to me, I weighed 8lb4oz.

Introducing my little brother Diesel x

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Me and mummy had fun with Diesel whilst he was sleeping.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Neo - "Daddy I know why you and daddy have called Diesel mouse, its because he squeaks like a mouse"
Daddy - "Yeah thats right, he doesn't cry or scream he squeaks"
Neo - But why am I a cheeky monkey?"
Mummy - " Because you are cheeky and you climb everything"
Neo - "But now I'm a cheeky monster"
Daddy - "Yep you are"

Diesel squeaking and moaning ...
Neo - "It's alright Diesel big brother's here" I kiss and cuddle him and he stops making any noise

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Bath bomb

Neo - "Have we got any bath bomb?"
Mummy - "Yes"
Neo - "Where?"
Mummy-"In a cupboard"
Neo - "Does it have a lock on it"
Mummy -"No"
Neo - "Where is it then?"

Here is me and Thomas looking out across the Dubai Creek

Thursday, 18 April 2013


When we got to school this morning we saw a naughty boy
Neo -"It's a good job he was on that side of the corridor, because he's a naughty boy and he would have punched me ... He's a bully"

Me up the WORLDS TALLEST building Burj Khalifa (this is not at the top)

Monday, 15 April 2013

Pretties on the beach


Daddy went shopping today and mummy said he got the wrong soap

Neo (to Daddy) - "Mummy's weird cos she moans about soap"

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Monday, 8 April 2013

Teddy Stitch

Mummy - "Night night Neo, Night night Stitch"
Mummy - "Let's have a lay in in the morning, Stitch you make sure he doesn't get up early"
Neo - "No mummy, He's only a teddy he can't talk"
Mummy - "Ohhhh"
Neo - "Didn't you know that"

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Darth Vader

My first cuddle with my little brother mouse
Whilst out shopping at a local mall ...
Neo - "Why is Darth Vader here?"
Mummy  - "Thats a lady in an abaya"
Neo - "But why is she wearing a costume? .... as Darth Vader" -
Mummy - "She's not that is her traditional dress, you know that, you've seen hundreds of woman in them"
Neo - "I know but from the back she loooked like Darth Vader"

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Neo - "Have we cleaned out Spot?
Mummy - "No"
Neo - "That means he'll be even dirtier"

Monday, 1 April 2013

Change house

Diesel only 2 hours old
Neo  - "I don't want to move from this house"
Daddy  - "Not even if we move to one with a swimming pool?"
Neo - "OK but only if it has a swimming pool"