Sunday, 30 June 2013

I want....

Diesel and Cousin Zac
Daddy to mummy - "Do you want anything?"
Mummy - "Just some water please"
Neo - "That's not fair, daddy didn't ask me if I want anything"
Mummy - "I have already got you some apple juice for you"
Neo - "But what if I don't want apple juice .... I might be bored of apple juice"
Mummy - "O what do you want then?"
Neo - "Apple juice"
Mummy - "I thought you wanted something else"
Neo - "No, I was just saying"

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Mummies home

Friday nanny - "Look who's here"
Neo - "Yeah I know ... MUMMMMMYYYYYYY"
Mummy - "Hiya baby, how are you?"
Neo - "I missed you"
Mummy - "I missed you too, I love you"
Neo - "I do you more"

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

New slide

Neo - "Do you like the new slide, I've drawn for yas water world?"

Dad - "Yes and all the people"

Neo - "The one without hair is you, because you don't have much"

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Moon and back

Neo - "Mummy I will miss you when I am in England and your here"
Mummy - "I will miss you more, I love you so much, make sure you look after your little brother"
Neo - "And daddy"
Mummy - "Yeah, and daddy"
Neo - "Because sometimes he doesn't know something, but I do ... and I can be looking after Diesel whilst daddy is doing things"
Mummy - "Yeah you can that's because you are a very good big brother and Diesel loves you lots and lots"
Neo - "But I love him more ... I love him to the moon and back"
Mummy - "Awww"
Neo - "I love you to the moon and back and back again, I will miss you mummy ...will you be sad to go to school without me?"
Mummy - "Yeah I will miss you"
Neo - "Why are your eyes red? ... Are my eyes red? ... Did you colour them in?"
Mummy - "Right Neo it's time to go ... you, daddy and Diesel need to go through there" (passport control)
Neo - "Ok mummy, I'll see you later alligator"
Mummy - "Bye baby, Mummy loves you"

Monday, 24 June 2013

Bye Shain


Neo - "Are cars only allowed to go on the road?"
Mummy - "Yeah"
Neo - "But some people walk or run on them"
Mummy - "Only at the traffic lights"
Neo - "Yeah and you can only cross when it's a green light and not a red light, people who cross on red lights are nutters"
Mummy - "Nutters"
Neo - "Yeah, Martin is a nutter as there was no lights"
Mummy - "No there wasn't"
Neo - "There are no lights on a motorway"
Mummy - "No there are not"
Neo - "You shouldn't cross the motorway, otherwise you'll get run over like Martin, he's a nutter isn't he"

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mummies tummy

Daddy - "Why we going into Mothercare ... now what do we need?"
Mummy - "I am looking for the attachment thingy for Diesels buggy"
Neo - "Mummy needs stuff for the baby in her tummy"
Mummy - "Oi ... I don't have a baby in my tummy any more, Diesel is here"
Neo - "Yeah you do ... you have a big tummy"

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Morning plans

Daddy - "In the morning you need to get straight up"
Neo - "What so no mucking about like I normally do?"
Daddy - "Yeah no mucking about"
Neo - "Oh man"


Thursday, 20 June 2013


Neo- "I don't want to be in FS1 anymore"
Daddy- "You only have 2 more days of it"
Neo- "Yea but I've done it now so can I go to FS2 next week?"

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Effiel Tower

Neo - "That's where were going isn't it?"
Mummy - "Where? What?"
Neo - "There that thing ... The thing in front on you"
Mummy -"A car?"
Neo - "No"
Mummy -"A Van?"
Neo - "No, look up"
Mummy -"The sky?"
Neo - "No, that thing"
Mummy -"Neo, I can't see what your pointing at from behind me"
Neo - "The red thing"
Mummy -"A pylon?"
Neo - "Yeah that's where were going"
Mummy -"Do you mean the Effiel Tower?"
Neo - "Yeah its like that isn't it"
Mummy -"Well kind of, its a similar shape but its a lot taller"
Neo - "Yeah its like lots of them on top of each other"

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


This is my and my best friend Khalifa, and here is a drawing which he did of me :)
Daddy - "What did you do at playtime?"
Neo - "Me and Khalifa don't like girls, so we chased them all with knifes and swords to kill them all"
Daddy - "That's not very nice"
Neo - "It's only pretend daddy, not really knifes and swords"
Daddy - "What about Chloe?
Neo - "Oh I like Chloe but no others and no big girls"
Daddy - "What about Cody and Hubre?
Neo - "Oh their ok too"


Monday, 17 June 2013

Fathers day

Mummy - "Have you wished daddy a Happy Fathers Day?"
Neo - "No"
Mummy - "Well today is a special day for all the Daddies in England, its Fathers day, so you need to wish him a Happy Fathers day"
Neo - "It's not fair he just had his birthday, why does he get a second special day?"

Sunday, 16 June 2013


Neo - "Can I have a magners?" (Magners is JUST Apple juice to me and not an adult drink this is because my Uncle Neal used to be a landlord of a pub in central London and as the adults were drinking magners, I used to have one too, so I was the same as mummy but mine had no added ingredients)
Mummy - "Is there a please in that?"
Neo - "Yes"
Mummy - "Well"
Neo - "Mummy PLEASE can I have a magners"
Mummy - "Yes ok"
Neo - "Mummy I like it with a dash of water in it ... but you have to put the water in first ... and not too much just a thumb amount and then the magners ... up to the line ... ok mummy?"

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Bird poo

Neo - "Why do birds poo everywhere?"
Daddy - "Because they don't have toilets"
Neo - "Well I hate it ... They poo everywhere ... Everywhere has bird poo ... and I hate it"
Me at Daddies birthday brunch, eating marshmellow's covered in chocolate, yummy

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Neo - "Daddy do you want to hear a secret?"
Daddy - "Oh ok then"
Neo - "You've got glasses for your birthday, and they look expensive"

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Neo - "I want to be a fireman when I grow up"
Mummy - "That would be a scary job, you would have to go into burning buildings"
Neo - "No to one which goes in buildings, a helicopter fireman"
Mummy - "Oh the ones who fly over fires and unload all of the water on top of the fires?"
Neo - "Yeah one of them"
Mummy - "Well that's still a dangerous job as you can't fly to close to the fires otherwise your helicopter might catch on fire"
Neo - "Mine won't as it will made of special stuff which can't catch on fire"


Monday, 10 June 2013

To the toilet

Daddy - "What are you doing up?"
Neo - "I needed the toilet"
Daddy - "So why are you in here?"
Neo - "Because I can't turn on the light"
Daddy - "But you don't need to turn it on, it's already on"
Neo - "Oh yeah I forgot, and my stool is on the floor so I could stand on it"
Daddy - "You can reach the switch standing on the floor"
Neo - "Only on my tippy toes and I don't like standing on them"
Daddy - "Right go to the toilet and get back into bed"
Neo - "Ok, goodnight ... I love you"

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Neo - "What is it that I suck when I get high?"
Mummy - "What? What stuff?"
Neo - "You know when I get high"
Mummy - "When do you get high?"
Neo - "In a plane ... when I get high in a plane"
Mummy - "Oh, you suck sweets or a lollipop"
Neo - "Well you will have to pack they in daddies bag for me for our plane otherwise he might forget"
Mummy - "Ok I will pack you some sweet and you will have to make sure that Diesel sucks on a dummy or his bottle"
Neo - "I promise ... I will otherwise he might get poorly ears"

Diesels first swimming session EVER at Thomas's Party

Friday, 7 June 2013

Own way

Neo - "Arghhh I hate you"
Mummy - "That's nice of you"
Neo - "Can I watch my tv?"
Mummy - "No you can not"
Neo - "Why not?"
Mummy - "Because you do not just walk in here with an attitude and get your own way"
Neo - "Well I want to"

Thursday, 6 June 2013

School :(

Neo - "Why do I have to go to school? I thought I was ill and didn't have to go to school"
Daddy - "Because mummy needs to feed Diesel, we won't be there very long"
Neo - "You can go and I'll stay here, I am a big boy now I can stay here on my own"

Me and my class at school

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Back to school, or not

Neo - "I'm going to school today" (after being sent home from school on Sunday)
Mummy - "well I'm not sure as you've been up most of the night"
Neo - "I am going... It's boring at home"
Mummy - "Ok but if you feel poorly tell Miss, then daddy can come and get you"
Neo - "I won't as I'll be with my friend Ahmed"
Mummy - "Oh that's good then"
Daddy to mummy quietly - "Its Ahmeds birthday today, so he's just going in to eat cake and get his party bag.
I ate my slice of cake and played with Ahmed and was then sent home sick.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Neo - "Mummy, Daddy hurt my toe"
Mummy - "Ahhh I'm sure it was an accident"
Neo - "Yeah"
Mummy - "And that he said sorry"
Neo - "Um"
Mummy - "Well I can't see anything"
(looking at right hurt rubbing top of foot)
Neo - "It hurts, lots"
Mummy - "Which one?"
Neo - "This one" (said looking at big toe on LEFT foot)
Mummy - "I thought it was on the other foot"
Neo - "Yeah this one" (looking at big toe on RIGHT foot)
Mummy - "It doesn't hurt you don't even know which foot it is"

Monday, 3 June 2013


Neo - "My name is cooler than that little guys"
Mummy - "You mean Diesel?"
Neo - "Yeah my name is cooler than Diesel's"
Mummy - "You both have cool names"
Neo - "Yeah but my name is cooler ... as it has William in it ... and that was my pretty nannies daddies name and he was cool, so I'm cooler than Diesel"

Sunday, 2 June 2013


Daddy - "Come on Neo you need to put your shoes on, we need to go to the shop"
Neo - "You can go and I'll look after Diesel, shopping's boring"

Saturday, 1 June 2013


Neo - "I don't want to go to Chloe's house at the weekend"
Mummy - "I thought you wanted too"
Neo - " Not at the weekend, that's a long time away... I want to go another day"
Mummy - " So you are still friends with Chloe?"
Neo - "Yeah ... She is my girlfriend"
Mummy - "Oh, that's ok then"
Neo - "Do you know where she lives?"
Mummy - "Yeah"
Neo - "Ok, are you ready to go then?"
3 in the bed and the little one said ...