Monday, 28 October 2013


Neo - "Please can I have a magners?"
Mummy - "Yeah, ok I'll do you a magners"
10 minutes later
Neo - "How long does it take to get a magners"
Mummy - "O, sorry I forgot"
Neo - "I thought you was picking the apples"

Saturday, 26 October 2013


Mummy - "Right Neo you need to tidy your room, as Clare and Stu are coming to stay. So please can you put all your toys away"
Neo - "Ok mummy, you can count on me"

Friday, 25 October 2013

Five in the bed

Neo - "Mummy there's no room for you in the bed...  There is already five in the bed, me, Daddy, Diesel, Stitch and Leroy"

Thursday, 24 October 2013


Neo - Holding his new lego figure he got for his excellent parent evening yesterday - "How scary is he?"
Mummy - "Really scary"
Neo - "Is he as scarier than you when your angry?"

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Today was my first parents evening in FS2, my Teacher told mummy and daddy how she was really impressed with me as I help my friends in class and who I have been paired with someone for phonics and that I've been really good as I have not just been given her the answers but that I make her think for herself. She also told them about something which she overheard today ... She said that she was about to step in but she didn't need to as I dealt with it :-)

A classmate said to one of my friends - "Your stupid"
Neo - "How would you feel, if I called you stupid?"
Classmate - "I would feel sad"
Classmate to my friend - "Sorry for calling you stupid"

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Clumsy mummy

So at 4am this morning Mummy woke up in the middle of the night, got up to check on Diesel and on the way back into bed slipped and smashed her head on the corner of the bedside table, splitting it open which meant I had to get up and go to hospital so it could be stitched back together. Whilst Iwe were there she needed the toilet, so I had to go with her to make sure she was ok
Neo - "Mummy leave the door unlocked I won't let anyone in, when your in there you need to keep talking to me ... actually you should sing 'baa baa black sheep' then I'll know if you've fallen asleep"

Monday, 21 October 2013

Morning Diesel

At 6 am - Diesel was in his walker in the front room, I didn't know that mummy was in the kitchen
Neo - "Good morning Diesel, are you the only one up?"

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Ginger hair

Whilst on holiday in Muscat I went swimming so much that my nice blonde hair started to turn green, so when we got home mummy washed it with tomato ketchup, which has made it all blonde again, yeah!! But whilst the ketchup was on my hair
Mummy - "Neo your hair looks ginger now"
Neo - "What's ginger?"
Mummy - "It's the reddy orange colour of some people's hair, it's called ginger hair"
Neo - "Do gingerbread men have ginger hair?"

Saturday, 19 October 2013


Neo - "Mummy, I am just going to put my book down here, just to pick it up again .... I'm just being sarcastic"

Monday, 14 October 2013


Whilst watching survivor 'blood and water's
Neo - "He's crying and he was crying a minute ago too"
Mummy - "That's because he is a wimp"
Neo - "No, it's because he just doesn't want to be there"
Mummy - "Well she's laughing at him"
Neo - "Its NOT funny"

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Diesel laughing

Saturday, 12 October 2013


Neo - "Once diesel can crawl we can play 'it', he can chase me and sometimes I'll pretend to fall down so he can catch me"

Friday, 11 October 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Edwards Card

Daddy - "We need to get Edward a birthday card"
Neo - "Yeah, get a hot wheels one"
Daddy - "I'll try but they might not have one"
Neo - "OK, as long as its a boy one and a bit dangerous, he'll like that as he likes dangerous things"

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Neo - "Mummy, I think you should go to bed"
Mummy - "I can't I'm looking after Diesel"
Neo - "No mummy you need to go to bed, your tired and your back hurts. I'll look after Diesel"
Mummy went to bed and Daddy took Diesel, 10mins later I crept in
Neo - "Hi mummy, I just I came in to check you're ok, and to give you a hug"
1 minute later I went back to Mummy with Stitch
Neo - "Here you go you can cuddle him, whenever I'm poorly I cuddle him and he makes me feel better"

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Neo - "Daddy please can you move out my way?"
Daddy - "Why what are you doing?"
Neo - "Well it's too late now"
Daddy - "What is?"
Neo - "I wanted to watch the electricity"
Neo turned off the plug attached to daddies mobile phone charger, then turned it back on
Neo - "Ohhhhh"
Daddy - "You can't see electricity"
Neo - "Why not?, if you took of the black stuff off the wire you could"
Daddy - "No you can't that's just dangerous, you would end up being electrocuted "

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Drawing for old grandad

Neo - "I have drawn this ice skater for old grandad"
Mummy - "Ahh that's nice, are you going to colour him in?"
Neo - "No, old grandad doesn't like colours"