Me, my little brother ‘Diesel’, mummy and daddy moved to Bangkok in August '18 (from England where we lived for a year between August 2017-18, prior to this we lived in Ho Chi Minh City between 2014 -17 prior to that we lived in Abu Dhabi between 2011-13. Me and my mummy started doing this blog to keep you informed of our fun with plenty of photos and quotes from me (and now my brother). I hope you enjoy laughing with us and at us.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Friday, 17 January 2014
Mummy - "Oh well that's good as you uncovered a dinosaur skeleton last week with daddy and had to reassemble the bones"
Neo - "Yeah, so I know what they look like dead and alive"
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Monday, 13 January 2014
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Saturday, 11 January 2014
Friday, 10 January 2014
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Monday, 6 January 2014
Neo - "Mummy have you or Daddy used this loo after you cleaned it?"
Mummy - "No, why?"
Neo - "And did you clean it all? ...the loo... The sink... And the floor?"
Mummy - "Yes, why?"
Neo - "Then I can use it... I need the loo, but if you had used it or not cleaned it properly then I would use mine. I don't want to get sick"
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Friday, 3 January 2014
Poorly Diesel
Neo - "Why has he?"
Mummy - "Coz he's been sick all night, do you remember the time the you was really sick in the middle of the night? It's not nice is it"
Neo - (crying) "It makes me sad, when Diesel's ill. I love him so much, I wish I could make him better"
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Happy New Day
Neo - "No mummy it's 'happy new day' not year, how can it be a happy year as it might be a bad one"
Mummy - "Well hopefully it will be a good happy year"
Neo - "But there will always be good and bad days, so it's a 'Happy New day"