Sunday, 27 April 2014

Heart and Bottle

Whilst read the book 'The heart and the bottle'
Mummy - "You can't put your heart in a bottle"
Neo - "It's not real ... that means it's fiction, if it was non-fiction it would be real"

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Mummy - "Ahhh look at Diesel"
Neo - "I can't see him ... I don't have eyes in the back of my head like you"
Mummy - "I don't have eyes in the back of my head"
Neo - "Why do some teachers have eyes in the back of their's,  but not you"

Thursday, 24 April 2014

White broccoli

Found this today on the Colour run website, of Daddy and Diesel

Daddy - "What did you have for lunch today?"
Neo - "Beef ... spicy beef,
with white stuff"
Daddy - "What white stuff?"
Neo - "It looked like white broccoli"
Daddy - "Cauliflower"
Neo - "Yeah that and chips and burger, with tomato ketchup"

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Good little brother

Ms Bashir (Neo's old teacher from last year) - "How is your little brother, Diesel?"
Neo - "Diesel is a relly good little brother ... do you know why? ... because if he falls over and bumps his head he doesn't cry"

Monday, 21 April 2014


Mummy - "Neo, whats is stitch doing in the corner of the living room? ... he should be in your bedroom"
Neo - "He was chilling out with his mates earlier"

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Lay in

Daddy at 7pm last night - "Tomorrow is a lay in day and if you have a lay in ...till 9am we will go to Yas waterworld, but if you get up early we will just go and do  boring shopping"
Neo at 6am - " Morning daddy, I don't want to go to Yas today"

Saturday, 19 April 2014


Neo - "I think Diesel loves swimming as much as he loves me"

Friday, 18 April 2014

Thursday, 17 April 2014


Mummy - "So Neo whilst you are at your drumming lesson you must listen and pay attention, so you can learn"
Neo - "Yeah like Ben ... Not the Ben in my class but the Ben in England ... the one who used to go to gymnastics"
Mummy - "Was Ben good at listening?
Neo - "No"

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Me, Uncle Chris and Aunty Chelle
Neo - "I'm bored shopping, are we going home now?"
Mummy - "Yes we are but we can either walk down the road for about 20 minutes, or we can take a boat to the other side then walk through the souq then catch another boat to the car. Which one do you want to do?"
Neo - "I like the boats , and I do not like walking"


Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Chelle - "Neo, what shall we call our new bunnies?"
Neo - "Coco and Zoggy"
Chelle - " We can't call one Zoggy as they are going to both be girls, and Zoggy is more of a boys name"
Neo - "Oh ok, Mrs zoggy"

Monday, 14 April 2014


Neo - "Daddy, Diesel wants a pet one of these"
Mummy - "Shame they don't live anymore ... but if they did it would definitely trash our house"
Daddy - "If you find one you can keep it"
Neo - "Lets go and look Diesel"

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Half way to school
Daddy - "Wait and I'll pull your coller out"
Neo - "Ok"
Daddy - "Where is you shirt?"
Neo - "Don't know"

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Diesel's 1st Birthday party (Joint)

Diesel with Daddy, Nicholas with his mummy and Theo with his mummy and daddy
Me, Bengy and Sasha blowing out the candles
Diesel with no trousers on as his been in the pool,
But before daddy could dress him again he stole
someones chicken drumstick.

Friday, 11 April 2014


10 minutes after some henna
was applied to my wrist
Neo - "Arghhh it hurts"
Uncle Chris - How does it hurt?"
Neo - "A lot of hurt"

Thursday, 10 April 2014


Neo - "Please can I have some grass for the tortoises"
Mummy - "Do you want all of it, for the tortoises?"
Neo - "Yes, pretty grandad would like it"

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


Neo - "Daddy scared me because, when I looked at the bed he looked like an alien"

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Mosque trip

Neo - "Diesel stay here so mummy can take a photo of us"

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Go daddy

Daddy run the WAR (Wadi Adventure race) 6
Mummy - " Neo you can run alongside daddy in the race on this bit but keep to the side and out of everyone's way"
Neo - "Can I go over the walls?"
Mummy - "No, you can't go over them, you couldn't even get over them look how big they are"
Neo - "Ok, if I'll walk with him as he will be slow going over the walls"

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Look after

Neo - "Mummy you can do the shopping and I'll follow behind with Diesel, I'll look after him with my scooter"

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Sneeky mouse

Neo - "Daddy, Diesel isn't going to sleep"
Daddy - "He will do if you just leave him alone ... he's tired"
Neo - "Mummy take a picture of Diesel to show daddy, he's not going to sleep"
(The photo is the one mummy took to show daddy how sleepy Diesel was)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Neo - "No, I'm not in a mood ... Diesel is annoying me"

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


As mummy is washing my hair
Mummy - "Please turn and face the wall"
Neo - "Which wall?"
Mummy - "That wall, the wall I always get you to face"
Neo - "Well how am I meant to know which wall ... there's one there and there and there and there ... there are 4 of them in here"