Saturday, 29 November 2014

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Kettle bell

Neo - "Mummy you've not got a kettle bell"
Mummy - "I do have one it's in the kitchen, and I'm going to use it to make a cup of tea"

Friday, 21 November 2014

My first school report in Vietnam

Neo - "Mummy can you put my report on my blog so everyone can see it"
Mummy - "Yes, I can I am very proud of you"


Thursday, 20 November 2014

Clean wedding

Neo - "Mummy, I have been thinking, if you and daddy did what Leah was doing you wouldn't had got all messy on your wedding day"
Daddy - "What do you mean?"
Neo - "I mean with your paint fight you could have still be clean ... like diesel did the other day"


Monday, 17 November 2014

Clean paint fight

Neo - "This is the way you can throw paint on people and stay clean"

Thursday, 13 November 2014


Neo - "Mummy for my birthday can I have my friends round for tea?"
Mummy - "Yeah you can do, do you mean  the day of your birthday?"
Neo - "Yeah and at the weekend, we can go to Vietopia on Saturday"
Mummy - "Who can go to Vietopia?"
Neo - "Me and my friends and on Sunday ..."
Mummy - "How many days are we celebrating your birthday?"
Neo - "Everyday"

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Mummy to Daddy - "Have you seen the school is currently in 1st place in the MFL competition"
Daddy - "Yeah I have, I saw it on Facebook and it had a link to the website, BISAD are currently in 25th place"
Mummy - "Oh that's not bad"
Neo - "What is MFL?"
Mummy - "Modern Foreign Languages ..... Its about speaking and learning different Languages, like the fact you are currently learning Mandarin"
Neo - "BISAD are not as high as ABC as they don't even speak English"
Mummy - "Yes they do ..."
Neo - "Yeah but not in the playground they all speak Arabic, here they have to speak English"
Mummy - "They were supposed to speak English at BISAD too"
Neo - "Yeah but no one does"

Monday, 10 November 2014


Neo - "It looks like Diesel has a Pizza for breakfast .... a Melon Pizza"


Saturday, 8 November 2014

Pocket money

My response to mummies letter (I get 150,000vnd pocket money (per week) but to get all of it I must get all of my spellings correct, keep my den (Playroom) tidy and let mummy have a lay in at the weekend. For each one I do not do means I lose 10,000vnd.
(Mummy also has tell you the 10am is actually 8am here as naughty Diesel has been playing with the clock and mummy can't manage to reset it)

Friday, 7 November 2014


Diesel loves Corn on the cob and won't share his with anyone.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Edible Bubbles

Neo - "Diesel loves bubbles, of all kinds. He always eats Daddies Latte bubbles"

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Fresh air

Neo - "Lets go and get some fresh air"
Daddy - "You mean damp air"
Neo - "It's still fresh"

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Heart check

Diesel has fallen over twice in the last 2 weeks and hurt himself so the doctor wanted to monitor his heart for a day, but Diesel doesn't like it