Friday, 30 January 2015

Chinese New Year Dragon Dance

We had a Chinese dragon dance today at school
Neo - "It was wicked"

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Football team

Today during lunchtime at school I was playing football with my friends and one of them pushed me over and I grazied my knee, cheek and elbow ... this is me explaining it to my mummy -
Neo - "Mummy its silly as sinh hoang (my mate) pushed me over, which is really silly as he was on my team if you are going to push someone over they should be on the other team"

Monday, 26 January 2015

Science homework - Prediction

Science homework - Write a prediction which vehicle goes fastest, a car or a fire engine? explain your answer ...

Neo - "A fire engine because when he turns on his ligts everyone has to get out of his way and he can straight through red lights, but the car has to stop and wait"

Sunday, 25 January 2015


Neo (whilst out shopping in a department store with daddy, walking past a lingerie mannequin) - "Daddy, Why would anyone where that they are see through, you can still see everything"
Daddy - "I don't know Neo"
Neo - "They would still be all naked"

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Ms Keeley

Neo - "Where is the music coming from?"
Mummy - "The window is open"
Neo - "Why is there music on the window?"
Mummy - "Ms Keeley is playing her music"
Neo - "It is very loud ... I think she is having a disco"
Mummy - "No, that's just how loud she plays it"
Neo - "Maybe it's her birthday and she is having a party with her friends"
Mummy - "Maybe Ms Keeley playing musical statues, haha"
Neo - "Yeah, she could be"

Friday, 23 January 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Too cute

Daddy - "Neo just get on with what you're suppose to be doing and ignore Diesel"
Neo - "I can't he's too cute and too cuddly (said as Diesel was hanging off of one of neo's leg)"

Monday, 19 January 2015

Friday, 16 January 2015

Happy Birthday Old Nanny

Today is Old nannies birthday but she is with my Old Grandad in the stars, she is looking after Spot.
This is a photo of Pretty Nanny, her brother John, Old Grandad, Old Nanny and John\s wife Sue. 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Mummy ouch

Diesel - (pointing at mummies bruse on her leg) "Mummy ouch"
Mummy - "Yeah mummies leg hurts"
Diesel - "Mummy awwww"
Mummy - "Yeah it hurt's"
Diesel - "Meo kick mummy awww"
Mummy - "Yes Neo was naughty, he kicked mummy"
Diesel - "Meo kick mummy awww, Meo chair"
Mummy - "That's right he had to sit on the naughty chair"
Diesel - "Aww Meo chair, Meo noteee"

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Squid man

There is a large number of street vendor's near our house, they cycle around on their bikes selling things off of it, one does roasted chestnuts, one sells pirated DVD's, one sells cook corn on the cob, one cleans shoes, one sharpens knifes/scissors and one sell dried squid (and it stinks). And today the squid man was as we were walking back to our house the squid man was outside our house (it stinks that bad that you have to pinch your nose when he cycles by, so you never want him to stop near you).

Diesel - "Oh no, you must be joking"

Friday, 9 January 2015

Too Cold

Prior to Neo swimming ...

Daddy - "It's too cold to be swimming in the pool"Neo - "No it's not"

2 seconds after jumping in ....
Neo - "Arghhhhh its freezing, i'm getting out"

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Arghhhh Diesel Monster

Neo - "I am not scared of the Dinosaur it is just Diesel"

Diesel - "No, off the monster"

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Out for a stroll

Neo - "Diesel that's it hold my hand, and we'll go for a walk ... I've got you"

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Bana Hills

Neo - "Raaaaa I'm riding a lion"
The worlds longest cable ride

Monday, 5 January 2015

Happy Birthday Old Nanny

This is a photo of me (as a baby) and Old Nanny, today would be her birthday but she is up in the stars, so I will not get to see her until later tonight. Happy Birthday Old Nanny. xxx


Neo - "Whats that?"
Daddy - "It's a squid and it just shoot out it's ink"
Neo - "Ha I got inked ... look it's all over my jeans"

Sunday, 4 January 2015

New Year eve in Saigon

Gridlock in Saigon on New Years eve. We had to cross this road further down the road, where it had come to a complete gridlock, we literally had to climb over the bikes, and in one case physically sit on the seat to get over it as it was not passable any other way. I found this fun, but mummy had to carry a sleeping Diesel and Daddy had to carry the folded buggy

This video shows how the road system works in Saigon, Mummy likes to call in chaotic harmony, as even though there are traffic lights (not at all crossings) and even when the lights are red you can still turn right (and straight on if there is space).

And the back of the fireworks which lasted for 15 minutes.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Friday, 2 January 2015

Oh boy!

I let mummy and daddy have a lay in this morning, but I had to wake mummy for her help -

Neo - "Please can you do Diesel's nappy?"
Mummy - "Oh has he had a poo?"
Neo - "No, I gave him a bath because he got breakfast down him"

... 2 minutes later ...

Diesel running around, jumping up and down (very hyper)

Daddy to Diesel - "What did you have for breakfast?"
Diesel - "Whastwees"
Mummy - "Wheetabix?"
Diesel - "No, Wheetwix, whastwees"

Mummy - "Neo, what did Diesel have for breakfast?"
Neo - "Frosties"
Mummy - "Oh boy!"

Thursday, 1 January 2015


Neo - "Why does Diesel always eat sand?"
Daddy - "I don't know, probably the same reason you used to eat mud at his age"