Thursday, 30 November 2017

Role play at school

Miss Steinbrecher asked Diesel who he was and he told me he was a paramedic. She asked how he'd got there and he told her "by air ambulance" he then said he needed to give the bear an injection to make him better.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Poorly Leroy

Leroy cut his foot on a broken glass outside the local pub in Weyhill

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

My submarine

"It's a submarine it saves people that are stuck underwater, this bit makes it go faster and these are the lights so people's can see them. It gets air in then goes fast!" Diesel confidently told his class about his model that he had created using junk model materials.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Autumn Artwork

Diesel has used a variety of media and techniques to create artwork connected to his topic.