Tuesday, 29 January 2019

School photos

Neo - "Mummy if the pollution levels are over 150 in the morning will we still have school photos outside?"
Mummy - "I don't know Neo, I'm guessing so as we won't be outside for very long"
Diesel - "If we are not allowed to play outside in the morning, then we can't have photos"
Mummy - "I don't know"
Neo - "Yeah, Diesel's right if there is no play then there should be no photos that's the rule"

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Neo's first teacher visit

It was great to catch up with Razia today, Neo's first teacher from back in Abu Dhabi is now currently living 30 minutes drive away from us in Bangkok. Reminds you how small the world is.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Some things never change, Salami and bread for Diesel and BBQ Ribs for Neo

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Diesel's dog

Diesel's class have been making dogs in Art, here is his one. He had to make a mini Leroy :)

Saturday, 19 January 2019


Mummy - "Ahhh look Diesel there is a tiny baby, she can only be a month old"
Diesel - "Yuk"
Mummy - "Yuk?"
Diesel - "Yeah yuk, I hate babies"
Mummy - "What all babies?"
Diesel - "Yeah, apart from Louie....but Louie is not a baby anymore he's a little boy, so I hate all babies"

Haha some things never change

Friday, 18 January 2019

Silly Genga

I showed this photo which Genga sent to us whilst Nanny and Genga are on holiday in Iceland, Diesel's words were...
"Silly Genga melenga... Nanny won't think its real, she will be drinking tea in a cafe"
Mummy - "What do you mean?"
Diesel - "He's just doing it so nanny will come to him but she won't"

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Miss Neo

Diesel - "When is Neo coming home, from his school trip"
Mummy - "Tomorrow, why do you ask?"
Diesel - "Because I miss him"

Monday, 14 January 2019

Thailand national children's day party

Big free party, with free food, free drinks, children's games, bouncy castle and an old school open air movie showing (check out the size of the reel projector)

Sunday, 13 January 2019


Mummy - "Diesel have you got your pyjamas on?"
Diesel - "I don't want to wear pyjamas"
Mummy - "OK, what are you going to wear to bed then"
Diesel - "This"

Saturday, 12 January 2019

No quiet trip to the hospital here

Diesel - "Why are they making so much noise, dancing and blowing bubbles don't they know this is a hospital .... Your meant to be quiet in hospital, people are sick" ?"

Friday, 11 January 2019

Brown bum

Diesel - "Look my bum is turning brown"
Mummy - "No that's where you had different shorts on, so the sun got to that white bit."
Diesel - "No it's not, the brown is spreading down because I want a brown bum"

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Banana bread

Mummy - "Oh wow, look at the size of the burger..... And what are these?? Shark bread?"
Diesel - "No mummy, that's banana bread"
Neo - "Oh yeah, banana bread. Haha"

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Flying pigs

Neo - " I just had the strangest dream ... flying pigs trying to eat me, because I've eaten loads of bacon"

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

First day back to school

Daddy - "Did you both have good first days back at school?"
Neo (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Diesel (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Daddy - "Was it good to see your friends again?"
Neo (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Diesel (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Daddy - "Did they all have a good Christmas?"
Neo (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Diesel (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Daddy - "So what did you do at school then?"
Neo (quiet lack of energy) - "Learn"
Diesel (quiet lack of energy) - "Lessons"
Daddy - "But it was good though?"
Neo (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Diesel (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Daddy - "Are you tired?"
Neo (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Diesel (quiet lack of energy) - "Yeah"
Daddy - "So I ...."
Diesel - "Daddy stop talking, just shhh"
Daddy - "Ok"
Neo and Diesel - "Shhh"

Monday, 7 January 2019


Neo - "Where are we going this summer?"
Mummy - "Ummm I think we're going to Australia"
Diesel - "NO!!"
Mummy - "Why not?"
Diesel - "Australia means injections"
Mummy - "No it doesn't"
Diesel - "Yes it does, where else can we go?"
Mummy - "Papya New Guinea"
Diesel - "Ooo that sounds interesting"
Mummy - "New Zealand"
Diesel - "No"
Mummy - "India"
Diesel - "Umm maybe"
Mummy - "Where do you fancy going?"
Diesel - "Africa"
Mummy - "That could mean injections"
Diesel - "No"
Mummy - "Plus if we go to Australia we can see great Uncle John"
Diesel - "No, he's not part of my family"
Neo - "Yes he is, he is Pretty Nannies brother"
Diesel - "No, my uncle is Boo Boo"

5 mins later...

Diesel - "And in Australia there is just sand"
Mummy - "It's not all sand"
Diesel - "Yeah it is you've never been so you don't know"

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Die warts

Mummy took Diesel to the doctor to have them look at his warts on his finger, originally there was only one but everytime mummy or a doctor tries to get rid of it, it either grows and multiplies and now he has four big warts on his finger.

When at the doctors -
Diesel - "Why are we here?"
Mummy - "To see is the doctor can remove your bumps on your finger"
Diesel - "Wha my wart?"
Mummy - "Yeah, your warts"

5 minutes later ...

Doctor to Diesel - "What can I do for you?"
Diesel to the doctor - "Can you kill my warts"
Mummy - "Yeah we are here to see if you can treat warts on his finger, we have tried several times and unfortunately they are still there"
Diesel - "Yeah they won't die"

Friday, 4 January 2019

Leroy made a friend

Today we went to BMA dog park in Bangkok, and Leroy and this little dog enjoyed rolling around together

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Good day

Mummy - "Have you had a good lazy day today?"
Neo - "Yeah, I've played with my Xbox"
Diesel - "Yeah"
Mummy - "So Diesel, what was the best thing you have done today?"
Diesel - "I shot Jeru"
Mummy - "That's not good, that's naughty you shouldn't shoot Jeru. Has she ever shot you?"
Diesel - "No, that's why it's good"

Wednesday, 2 January 2019


Whilst driving to the resturant this evening...

Diesel - "Neo just poked me"
Mummy - "Neo, leave Diesel alone"
Diesel - "He poked me in my penis"
Neo - "No I didn't, I poked your hand and your hand poked your penis"
Mummy - "OK guys, it's over now so no more poking or talk of poking"


Diesel (1 minute later) - "Mummy, did you know that the penis is more commonly known as a WILLY!" (Willy is in capital to show the volume which Diesel shouted the word, whilst sat at the traffic lights with the windows slightly open, I guess it a good job we live in Thailand)