Sunday, 31 March 2019

Mother's day

Mummy - "Where shall we go for dinner?"
Diesel - "I want frozen pens"
Mummy - "What for dinner?"
Diesel - "Yeah, I want peas"
Mummy - "Just peas?"
Diesel - "Not just peas, frozen peas"

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Pirates Verses Mermaids

First big school production
Neo played Gangrene (one of the main 3 Pirates within the production)
Diesel sang and danced within the production

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

My book

Diesel - "Everyone loved my book in school today"
Daddy - "Ah that's good, did they love it when you could fly"
Diesel - "No their favourite bit was when you carried a car over your shoulder"