Sunday, 21 April 2019


Neo - "Mummy can we both share the den?"
Mummy - "Yes, of course, you can"
Diesel - "No, we can't I need to be alone"
Neo - "OK, I'll put on a timer.... 5minutes"
Diesel - "No, I'm not going to be in  here 5 minutes I'm going to be in here 10"
Neo - "OK"
Diesel - "No, I mean 12"
Neo - "Oh ok, I've set the timer for 12 minutes"

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Blow your nose

Neo to Diesel - "Diesel stop sniffling, blow your nose"
Diesel - "I can't, whenever I try it won't stop"
Neo - " Try again"
Diesel - "I can't, whenever I try my hardest it stops my heart beating"