Friday, 4 November 2011

Poorly eye

Today me, mummy and daddy went to a Brunch at ‘Le Royal Meridian’, Brunch here is nothing like brunch in England, you basically you pay one sum and eat and drink all you want between the hours of 12-4pm and have the added bonus of accessing the hotels pool for the day, there are two different costs one with adult juice (alcoholic drinks) and one with soft drinks mummy paid about 30 GBP for Daddy and 20 GBP for her and I was FREE (you can guess who was drinking the adult juice). I stuffed my face on sushi followed by Italian followed by a mountain of parma ham (PORK !! PORK !! PORK !! – this is something which as hard to find over here as they don’t like pigs – They don’t like them that much that customs took all my pigs out of our shipment) followed by roast beef and topped with chocolate pudding and lemon ice cream, oh yeah not to forget candyfloss. So after my mountain lunch/brunch I went swimming and had loads and loads of fun jumping in and out of the pool but that’s when the worst thing happened I banged my head in particular my right eye lid on the edge of the pool which unfortunately have a slightly sharp edge resulting in my eye lid splitting open (I have to say that the lifeguards there were great as they wrapped me in a towel to keep me warm and applied what mummy called gauze to my eye -  mummy says that there was a lot of blood). We drove to our local hospital Al Noor, as soon as we arrived in the emergency I was put onto this weird bed that went up and down, then a nasty man wiped my eye which started it pouring with blood again the doctor then came over and looked then said something to my daddy when daddy and the man who wiped my eye wrapped me into a sheet with my arms stuck by my sides then the doctor poked my eye and told me the keep my eyes shut, I felt a sharp  scratch followed by a funny feeling which I now know was stitches daddy said I had 5, I told him ”next year when I’m older I can have more”.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Neo, I wanted to see your pictures, so Mummy showed me, I couldn't stop looking at the one of your eye because it was like when I shut my thumb in the door and there was blood everywhere - but Daddy was far more scared than I was, I enjoyed going to the hospital and seeing lots of nice nurses and doctors.

    My favourite word is WHY too, Mummy says she had forgotten how annoying the WHY stage is, and is trying to remember how long it took my big sister to grow out of it. I drove the dentist mad with my WHYs today.

    I've named one of my dolls Neo (don't worry, it's a boy doll), and I've been playing nurseries with it - today when my Mummy came through the door I said "he's been absolutey fine today, ate all his dinner" just like they do at nursery.

    I wanted to take a photo of myself that my Mummy could send to you, but I couldn't keep still so all she got was a big blur, and then I covered myself in chocolcate cake mixture and it all went wrong. Maybe one day I will keep still so mummy can take a photo for you (like when I'm asleep maybe).

    Lots of love, Eva xxxx
