Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Leap day

Me and Daddy did our usual today swimming then the park, not much else except the computer broke some sort of net breaking. Daddy says we only get this day once every 4 years, something about leaping, I leap everyday not every 4 years - if I did that I’d only have one leap so far and that’s not much fun. Anyway I’m sure there’s a Wednesday next week, Daddy is silly.

Today’s quote is more of a song I made up you might know the first parts-
Neo – “A B C D E F G H I caught a fish alive, no I didn’t they swam around me”
Neo – “A B C D E IF go fishing I catch a shark for dinner”

Rude Grace

Today I have been swimming, I swam so hard that I have totally worn myself out to the point that I had to have a MASSIVE day sleep to recover, and after that I haven't really done much at all.

I think daddy has been bored whilst I slept as he was moaning that for some reason mummy computer won't go onto something called 'net', I don't really understand as its never on a net, it's normally on the table or sofa or rug but not a net?

Today quote -
Neo - " Grace is rude, Why do Nicky and Amelia have a rude Grace?..... They should get a nice one"

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Nannies Birthday x

 x Happy Birthday Pretty Nanny x

Today I have been to pony club where I had loads of fun, Noah wasn't there :( I missed Noah.

Neo - "Can I go to Noah's House?"
Daddy - "No, because Noah is at nursery today"
Neo - "That's alright, l can I just go and see Noah's mummy"

Monday, 27 February 2012

Seriously moody ...

Last night I hard a REALLY bad night I just could sleep without Sammy, I was up for about an hour in the middle of the night just showing off and telling daddy that I don't like him, and that he needed to go away and to get Sammy.
And this is how my day continued, I was not too bad at nursery as I was playing and learning with my friends so I forgot I was in a mood but the moment I was back home I remembered.

As for a quote today I did say much apart from "No", "Why", "I don't want to", "Go away" in fact the only nice thing I said today was on my way to bed after mummy had read me my book -
Mummy - "Night night baby" ...
Mummy - "I love you" ...
Daddy - "Don't you want to say something to mummy"
Neo - "No thank you"

Normally mummy would say - 'Night night baby'
then I would say                      - 'Night night mummy, I love you'
then mummy would say          - 'I love you more'
then I would say                      - 'No, I love you bestest and I like you bestest'

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Splash ...

Today we went to one of the posh hotels, so I spent the day splashing around in their pools, sliding down their flume and running in and out of the sea, Mummy says that I can come back here with Nanna and Granddad. Yella Nanna and Granddad !
Neo - "What are they doing?"
Mummy - "I don't know"
Neo - "You have to know everything"
Mummy - "Well, I don't"
Neo - "If you don't know something you have to ask someone who does know everything

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Play time ...

So today we had a different day all together it was a lazy chilled out but loads of fun. We all went downstairs to go to a playground, I went to get into the car but I thought mummy and daddy had forgotten which car is ours, its not even that it is a little one, they continued walking across the car park and into the other flats we got into the lift and went to the 2nd floor and when we got out of the lift mummy knocked on Abdulla's door, I didn't know why we were there, but then the best thing happened Abdulla came with us to the playground (which is a play area inside a shopping mall) we went on a Carousel,
a roller-coaster, a log flume (and yes this really is inside a shopping mall) and then we went into a soft play area. Me and Abdullah played in there for almost all hour, we had so much fun and when we went back to Abdullah's house his mummy and maid had cooked us dinner (yum yum).

Neo - "In England wolfs can blow down houses"
Mummy - "Just in England"
Neo - "Yeah their too big in Abu Dhabi for wolfs to blow down"

Friday, 24 February 2012


So today I got up really early like normal at the moment, and then when mummy and daddy finally got up we loaded up the car with our BBQ and beach stuff then off we went for a long car drive, I got bored so I had a day sleep and when I woke up, daddy said we should have bought our passports as we were about 20 minutes away from Saudi Arabia, mummy said 'no' and then muttered something about her not being able to drive in there, I don't know why not as mummy drives everywhere on everything, in fact I woke up because the I was bouncing around in my seat when I looked out the window we were driving on the sand. We found a private beach to have a BBQ on and a posh hotel with a children's park, which had great slides. On the way home, in the dark (it was so dark that there was even stars in the sky, there are no stars in the sky in Abu Dhabi, mummy says its because of all the lights or something) -
Neo - "There's a fly in the car"
Mummy - "It will have to stay in the car now until we get back to Abu Dhabi as it's too dark to see in here"
Neo - "I can see him, he's on your steering wheel""
Mummy - "Well I can't see him"
Neo - "He is on there he is walking on it at the top"
Mummy - "Oh, I can't see him"
Neo - "He flew away now mummy"

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Check out a photo of ONE the police cars here and read the tail.
Me and daddy went out swimming, mummy was lazy as she was still in bed even when we got back at lunchtime, (Mummy has today and tomorrow off of school, so she went out last night with some off the other teachers, they went to a ladies night - which daddy says is not fair as all of the ladies get FREE drinks for the whole night, or if they do have to pay, they are only about 20p per drink - hence why mummy was still in bed at lunchtime, she says that she had a great night). Once mummy got up we went to a place called Masdar city, its a futuristic university and building programme, So futuristic take they have cars which run on electricity from the sun and even better they drive themselves, you press a green button and they go, and even better as the cars can see if there is another car in the way so one of them stops and the other one drives around.
On the way home -
Neo - "Are you tired Daddy?"
Daddy - "Are you?"
Neo - "Yeah, can I have a night sleep? You can't as you have to keep looking at the other cars, some of the drivers are silly and might crash into us"
Daddy - "There are some silly drivers"
Neo - "You look at them and I'll sleep"

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

'I Love Shain' ...

Today I went to nursery, but just as daddy was collecting me, me and my friend Edward were have a competition - who can get the dizziest quickest by spinning around and around, when all of a sudden we hit each other, then hit the wall it really hurt so both of us were crying, My teacher was panicking as we were both crying but when daddy heard why we were crying he was giggling and smiling - I don't know why he was giggling when I was in lots of pain.

Later on mummy came home from school and then Shain came round -

Neo (talking to Shain) - "I don't want you to go home, I want Shain to stay"
Mummy - "Why do you want Shain to stay"
Neo - "I love Shain"
Shain - "Ahh I love you too, but I need to go home"
Neo - "Can I come with you?"
Mummy - "Maybe we can go there at the weekend"
Neo - "No, I want to go now" At this point he walked over to his books collected a couple then got his Trunki BoostApak and continued to pack some toys and pyjamas.
Shain - "I guess he's coming home with me then"
And off we went .....

Mr Strong

 My favourite day of the week PONY CLUB!! I took Sammy to pony club so daddy could take some photos of us for Sammy's passport (something which mummy has to fill in at the end of the week saying what we have been up to), I had a great time as normal - but I couldn't ride Pepper as he wasn't at the stables but I rode a different horse and got to play with my friends in the park.

Todays random quote -
Neo - "We need Mr Strong's phone number, in case our house falls in the water coz he can get it out again and if it's full of water he can use it to put out any fires"

Monday, 20 February 2012


So when I went to Shain's on Monday we ended up going to Kristen's house as well which was great as I spent hours playing with 'Ponyo' her dog, which in England wouldn't be a big thing as so many people have dogs but here not many people have pet dogs as it gets to hot in the summer to walk outside and none of the parks let dogs in, and so many people live in apartments with no gardens - anyway me and Ponyo chased each other about for a couple of hours, to begin with Ponyo was scared of Sammy (nursery's soft toy dog) but after an hour or so she was trying to get Sammy.

** STAR **

Yeah ... So today I didn't want to go to nursery, well daddy has just given it away I was playing up saying that I didn't want to go whilst mummy was still at home but once she left to go to school then I was telling daddy 'yella yella' (hurry up).
When I was at nursery today I was awarded with the class (soft toy) dog 'Sammy' and the STAR necklace - for star pupil of the week. My teacher said its because of all my hard work and fitting into my new class so well,
Neo - "I have the class dog, coz I am the star"
Mummy - "Wow that is amazing"
Neo - "I got it because I am nice to my friends and not everybody is nice"
Mummy - "Wow mummy is so proud of you"
Neo - "Daddy said that you would say that"

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Bowling ...

So massive sand storm again today, which means more of mummy and daddy moaning about the lack of something called sealant around the windows - as not only does it apparently stop the non-existent rain coming through the windows but it would also stop all of the dust and sand.

Today we decided to stay inside and go bowling, I had a great time mummy and daddy was laughing so much at me throwing the balls down the lane, some times they bounced with a really loud bang and other times they went so slowly down the lane that mummy and daddy thought the barrier was going to come down before my ball reach the white things and even better I beat mummy and daddy.

On the way home  -
Neo - "Mummy please can I have a day sleep?"
Mummy - "No Neo, its too late to have a day sleep" (mummy won't let me after 2pm, something about me not sleeping at night time if I have one after 2pm, and it was 3:45pm)
Neo - "Mummy can I have a night sleep then?"
Mummy - "No Neo, its not night-time"
Neo - "But if its too late for a day sleep and too early for a night sleep, what sleep can I have?"
Neo 65, Mummy 56, Daddy 56

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Time difference ...

ROYAL Wedding Invites and Favours
So I have to say sorry for not blogging yesterday, its because mummy received a last minute invite to a royal wedding so she said that she had to go to that instead of blogging to you all, I have had words with her to get her priorities right.

Mummy says that she now has to add -
How amazing and surreal it was to attend a royal wedding banquet for Sheikh Nahyan bin Saif Al Nahyan and Sheikha Fatima bint Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan wedding. Her wedding dress was stunning with so much sparkle.

So yesterday I didn't really do much at lunch time I was messy about and not eating my dinner daddy pretended that he was on the phone to nanny and granddad -
Daddy - "Say hello to nanny and granddad"
Neo - "Hello"
Daddy (in a silly voice for granddad) - "Eat your dinner"
Neo - "No, it's day time still there I don't have to"

Haha daddy could say anything to that as England is after all 4 hours behind us, which is funny as when it's breakfast time at nannies it lunch time here and it's tea time at uncle Neal's (in Thailand).

So today we have spent the day just messing about in the park and then later on we went to the Red Bull Abu Dhabi Drifting, which was down at the Corniche in one of the car parks, when we were watching all of the fast cars I said todays quote -
Neo - "Mummy can you drive one of those cars"
Mummy - "No neo I'm not allowed"
Neo - "Can you learn how to drive like that in our car"
Mummy - "No Neo, our car is to big to drive like that"
Neo - "Is Nicky's cars the right size?"
Mummy - "Yeah Nicky's car is the right size"
Neo - " But Nicky can't drive like that, she'll drive over all the cones"

I will add some photos/videos of the cars later

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Scary things ...

Today I have been back on form -

Neo - "Mummy that white car in front is the boomer-run man's car"
Mummy - "Boomer-run man?"
Neo - "Yeah he drives to everyone's house and runs around in the corridors going boom boom, at night time and he wakes me up"
Mummy - "Why does he do that?"
Neo - "I don't know, I don't know everything I'm only 3"

Neo - "A wolf can't blow our house down"
Mummy - "Why not?"
Neo - "Our house is big and its made of stone, so he can't get me"
Mummy - "Oh"
Neo - "But the dragons can fly through the windows"
Mummy - "Daddy won't let them in"
Neo - "How will he stop them? Will he use a red light?"

These are the only two which mummy wrote down but I must have had a good one at least every hour today, mummy and daddy either need to get better at taking notes or they need to record me ALL day.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Tigers ...

Had a good night sleep woke up bright and early, pony club today. Pony club was good, I got to catch up with my gang and cause trouble as usual but even better today I rode Pepper for ages and even got to go fast for ages, daddy says its called 'trotting' but I just think he makes words up "its just called going fast daddy". When pony club was finished we gave Max, his little sister, and mummy a lift to the big park by the Corniche; me and Max played some more before it was time to go home. Later on me and daddy were in our park (at home), playing with some of the other kids, daddy turned into the tickle monster and was chasing everyone and making us laugh, after a while I turned into a little tickle monster and helped daddy get everyone. It was really good fun and everyone wanted us to play all night (but we had to come in as I'm only 3), on our way home in the lift told daddy about the tigers:

Neo - "Did you know tigers can climb trees?"
Daddy - "No, how come they climb trees?"
Neo - "Because they have stripes"
Daddy - "What about leopards?"
Neo - "No daddy, they can't climb trees they have spots"

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Morning ...

So last night I decided that mummy and daddy should not sleep through the night, I kept going into their room shouting 'it's morning' and then running back into my room before mummy or daddy could even get out of bed, I did this about 7 times through-out the night, hehe.

The rest of the day was the same as normal; get up - breakfast - nursery - home - park - play with Abdullah - home - tea - bath - book - bed.

I don't really have a quote other than
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"
Neo - "it's morning"
Neo - "ha ha"

Monday, 13 February 2012

Caterpillar noses ...

I haven't done very much today, apart from going to nursery. My friend Amelia started nursery today - I didn't see her as she is in a different class, but she was probably busy making new friends.
When mummy came home from school I was already in the bath, I welcomed her home by throwing water all over her.
Mummy - "No Neo, don't throw water out of the bath"
Neo - "Why? Granddad lets me, I'm allowed to soak him"

My clever quote came later after I had tea -
Neo - "Caterpillars have noses on their backs"
Mummy - "Why do they have noses on their backs?"
Neo - "Because their special"
Mummy - "Special?"
Neo - "Yeah its so they can sniff out the yummy leaves"
Mummy then repeated what I had said to daddy
Neo - "I know I'm right and daddy hasn't even taught me that yet"

Sunday, 12 February 2012

New friend ... ANOTHER video of ME!

So this morning I woke up early which was good as I got to see mummy before, once again she went off out to be with her school kids AGAIN but at least this time it was only for the morning to go diving she apparently had to do something called dives 3&4, for her open water diving thingy, but because mummy has caught mine and daddies cold she couldn't do the diving.

Me and daddy spent the time that mummy was out on a boat playing and sunning ourselves (daddy enjoyed chilling out especially as he was out until the morning last night), I made a new friend at the beach she was really nice and lucky coz she had lots of buckets and toys to play in the sand with, and I didn't as daddy left all of mine at home, so I got to play with hers. When mummy phoned to say that she was back and could we go and get her.

Daddy - "We need to go and get mummy"
Neo - "No you go and I'll stay here and wait with my friend"
Daddy - "No, you can't stay here"
Neo - "But her mum will look after me"
Daddy - "No Neo, we're going to get mummy"
Neo - "I'll be good"

After we got mummy we went out and had some lunch and they went to a different beach and park, this is a video of my falling off the slide, mummy says it's a bit dramatic.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Sun, sand and scooter ...

This is my video from yesterday, of me and cheeky monkey, some of you will know him as I have had him since I was a month old.

So today was a chilled out but boiling day (with temps around the 30' mark), I spent the morning lounging and watching television on the sofa, then onto the beach and water park at the beach. When we were walking/scooting down the Corniche (the beach) I saw my friend Max from pony club so we played a bit and chased each other until we went onto the sand and paddled in the sea.

After this we walked/scooted back to the water park, when we got there some of mummies work mates were there - which was good coz that means so were their children, so we all played in and out of the water for a couple of hours. When we got home daddy got changed really quickly as he has gone out to Dubai to see someone called Kasabian, I'm sure that can't really be someone's name.
Today's quote happened when I was having dinner, me and mummy were playing Shain's eating game, which is where mummy puts food on a spoon and then whilst she not looking I eat it and then mummy looks shocked that the food has disappeared -
Mummy - "Ahhh where has the food gone?"
Neo - "In my mouth"
Mummy - "Where does the food go then?"
Neo - "It goes down my neck and into my intestine"
Mummy - "I thought it goes to your stomach?"
Neo - "No, don't be silly"

Friday, 10 February 2012

Mummies been away AGAIN ...

I thought mummy was going to be home when I woke up this morning, so I got up nice and early, (as I’ve been missing her loads) daddy said it was still night time (4:45) and mummy won’t be back until later, so I should go back to bed. I didn’t like the sound of that so stayed awake and kept going in and making sure he was also awake, I’m don’t think he liked this as after a while he gave me his phone and said I had to stay in my room till the alarm went off, I didn’t like that idea, so again I kept going in and telling him the alarm was going (hehe), I thought this was really funny - daddy didn’t - eventually the alarm went off (7:00am) and daddy let me stay in his room and we played tents on the big bed. Later on I did some drawing’s to give mummy, when she gets back I hope she likes them, I think they are really good but she’s an art teacher. After lunch I had a little sleep then daddy woke me up to get mummy YEAH!!! As soon as mummy got home we had loads of fun, we went to the park, played with my toys, read some books and I had a bath and that’s when mummy recorded this video for nanny and granddad, and this is my quote/question/advice for today ... SO I will have to post this video tomorrow as there seems to be a problem but I will get it on here as soon as I can, now I understand why daddy gets angry with this thing.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Poorly daddy

Feeling even better today, but I don’t think daddy is he really didn’t look good this morning and the two of us just veg’d on the sofa and watched Kung Fu panda 2, which is good (did you know that, there’s a bad peacock in it) Po (the panda) wins in the end after finding his inner peace, I have no idea what it is and asked daddy where mine was because I want to catch rain and roll it up my arm, but daddy doesn’t know where it is, so he’s no good I will ask mummy when I see her. Mummy called and spoke to me which was good as I won’t see her till tomorrow, she said daddy needs to go to the doctor, daddy said no, but we went anyway but when we got there the queue was really long. Daddy decided not to wait, so we went to a shop and got some medicine. Hopefully daddy will be better tomorrow, then we can have some fun. Today’s quote : Mummy – “You have to take daddy to the hospital” Neo - “But I can’t drive”

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

No quote ...

I've not done very much again today as I'm still poorly, mummy bought me 'Kung Fu Panda 2' so I spent this morning lounging on the sofa watching my favourite panda fighting a peacock baddie. When mummy came home she asked daddy "Have we had a quote today?" and I said "No, mummy no quote today, I'm poorly".

So sorry folks, but that is my quote of the day :(


I’m feeling a lot better today which is good, today is pony club day and I get to see all my pony club friends and the ponies of course. Although before we can do all of that me and daddy took mummy to school, she is going away AGAIN, I think the kids at school should stay there, I don’t get to go away with nursery and that’s not fair L. Pony club was good as all my friends brought some cars and when we finished with the pony’s we got to play with them and have races to see which car is the fastest, nobody had lightening McQueen, so I think MY Francesco was the fastest. I also decided to give all the flowers I picked to the mummy’s, which they all liked. They said something about daddy needs to do the same but I’m not sure daddies are allowed to pick flowers. After a long sleep me and daddy played with my Lego and I made a big castle which I hope you all like, I think they should build one like it in Abu Dhabi, as they like building weird buildings here.

Quote of the day,
Neo – “Why are you coughing daddy?”
Daddy – “I’ve caught your cough”
Neo – “No you didn’t you caught the ball, my medicine had a fight with my cough”

Monday, 6 February 2012


Still not feeling to good, so I slept in until 8am - which is really late for me, when I got out of bed I went and gave daddy a big cuddle as I needed one, then he phoned nursery to tell my teacher that I wasn’t well and would therefore not be in today. I didn’t do very much at all today - In fact I even went back to bed for 2 hours at 10.00am, after my lunch I got to speak to both sets of grandparents which made me feel better, they all have snow (and its warm here, hehe) although when I’m feeling better I want to have some snow, because its lots of fun to play in, even when you get really cold. Later I went to play outside (and get some fresh air) for a while and got to play with Abdullah. After a while I got totally worn out (which is not like me at all), so I went home and that’s it for today. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.
Neo – “When I’m better will my voice come back? Who will bring it back?”

Sunday, 5 February 2012

fight ...

Today has been a chilled out quiet one, which is just what I need to help me get better. I was prescribed five different medicines (pain killer, antibiotics, cough medicine, nasal spray, antihistamine) last night. Today on our way to the park, I was coughing and then I said today's quote
Neo - "There's a fight in my mouth"
Mummy - "What Neo?"
Neo - "My cough is fighting my medicine in my mouth"
Mummy - "Oh"
Neo - "Do you know who's going to win?"
Mummy - "No, who?"
Neo - "The medicine will win"

I hope I'm better soon as, I don't like being poorly - it's not any fun!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Poorly ...

So today I've not been up to much as "I'm poorly", this morning I had a green swamp jelly bath (Gelli Baff) it was great and after a long slimy soak, we went to the park and then onto a big toy shop. I spent some of my Christmas money there on some more 'cars 2' cars.
I am suppose to be going to Dubai tomorrow to see the penguins and SNOW at the ski centre, that's because pretty nanny has seen snow this week, I want to see snow, so we were going there to have a snow ball fight, but I'm too poorly :(

Earlier I was on the phone to Shain and she was trying to cheer me up :
Shain - "I'm behind you"
So I looked ...
Neo - "No, your not"
Shain - "No, I'm under the sofa"
Neo - "No your not your big, you can't fit"
Shain - "I'm not big, I'm little"
Neo - "No your not, your big, I'm little"

After my chat with silly Shain we had tea and then went to the hospital as I was VERY hot and my throat really hurt, at the hospital the doctor said that she would give me a suppository to reduce my temperature:
Neo - "Mummy, what is it?"
Mummy - "It's a special tablet"
Neo - "Why is it special?"
Mummy - "because your throat hurts, so they put it in your bum, but shhhh its a secret"
Neo (at the top of my voice in the waiting room) - "I had a tablet up my bum"
Mummy - "shhhh I said be quiet, its a secret"
Neo - "but I want to tell everyone"

Friday, 3 February 2012

Crazy Noah

This mornings quote :
Neo - “Daddy your sleeping on mummies side of the bed”
Daddy - “That’s ok as mummies not here”
Neo - "It doesn't matter it's mummies side, your supposed to be on your side"

Today I went to my friend Noah's house, I love playing with Noah as he is crazy like me. I think Daddy likes it too as he is always smiling and laughing at the two of us. whilst I was at Noah's house mummy finally came home, and phoned daddy to tell us, but just then Noah's mummy asked would I like to stay for tea.
Daddy - "Neo would you like to stay here with Noah for tea? Or would you like to go and see mummy?"
Neo - "I want to stay here and have tea"

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Daddy's Hair

Today is Wednesday, swimming day another fun one, but it was even better than normal as I spent most of the day in water. It didn’t start as a good day though as we had to take Mummy to school early because went away for 2 days with some kids from her school, I’m not happy about this but I’ll let her go this time. When me and daddy got back home I had a really big long bath with loads of bubbles, then when I got out we went swimming (even more water) which was really good as the lifeguards all know me now, and one gave me a swimming woggle, I’ve not used one since we lived in England and they help me swim loads and loads, I was chasing daddy all around the pool he’s not a good swimmer like me. When I got tired we got out and then daddy got his hair cut he has needed that for ages, he was looking a real mess (it looked like a birds nest) and I was thinking about stopping him coming out with me in public, he looks much better now. I then had a little sleep in the car and daddy let me sleep a bit more on the sofa when we got home, sometimes he’s nice like that. When I woke up we played with my toys then went out to the best coffee shop, where again all the staff know me and asked where I’ve been as we’ve not been there for ages, I had juice and daddy had coffee and we shared a cake, it was carrot cake - I’ve never used carrots in the cakes I’ve made, you have carrots with dinner not in cake, doughnuts have strange ideas about things sometimes. When we finished daddy let me go to the play area for a while which I loved.
Oops I almost forgot my Quote of the day:
Neo- “Do you like me?”
Daddy- “Yes, I love you. Why’s that?”
Neo- “You sometimes have angry face” 

Tidy up ...

Today was pony club one of my favourite days of the week, because I get to ride pepper the best pony ever. I also get to play and cause chaos with my friends Reis, Maxim, Garbhan, Noah, and his brother Liam; we were all climbing trees and playing with cars and the slide, and just having fun (whilst all the daddy’s and mummy’s to do boring talking). Eventually it was time to go home, which isn’t as much fun, but daddy has said I can go to see Noah sometime this week (Yeahhhhh)  I can’t wait for this, as we have lots of fun together.
When we got home the quote of the day happened -
Daddy - "Neo you need to tidy up all of your toys before you get out more"
Neo - “Why?”
Daddy  - “ I clean up my mess, mummy cleans up her mess and you have to clean up your mess”
Neo - “Mummy doesn’t clean up her mess, you do, so you can clean up mine”
Daddy didn’t say much to that but I did clean some up, just to stop the funny look on his face.

A bit later on we went down to Sophia’s house, because it is her birthday today (she is 4), so she had a party with all the other children from our block of flats and some of her other  friends. She had some yummy food and a cake with a BIG number 4 candle which she blew out after we all sang happy birthday to her.