Friday, 10 February 2012

Mummies been away AGAIN ...

I thought mummy was going to be home when I woke up this morning, so I got up nice and early, (as I’ve been missing her loads) daddy said it was still night time (4:45) and mummy won’t be back until later, so I should go back to bed. I didn’t like the sound of that so stayed awake and kept going in and making sure he was also awake, I’m don’t think he liked this as after a while he gave me his phone and said I had to stay in my room till the alarm went off, I didn’t like that idea, so again I kept going in and telling him the alarm was going (hehe), I thought this was really funny - daddy didn’t - eventually the alarm went off (7:00am) and daddy let me stay in his room and we played tents on the big bed. Later on I did some drawing’s to give mummy, when she gets back I hope she likes them, I think they are really good but she’s an art teacher. After lunch I had a little sleep then daddy woke me up to get mummy YEAH!!! As soon as mummy got home we had loads of fun, we went to the park, played with my toys, read some books and I had a bath and that’s when mummy recorded this video for nanny and granddad, and this is my quote/question/advice for today ... SO I will have to post this video tomorrow as there seems to be a problem but I will get it on here as soon as I can, now I understand why daddy gets angry with this thing.


  1. Lovely blog Neo - I enjoyed reading it very much. xx

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, it is a shame that daddy is not very good on here and doesn't remember how to blog (mummy has showed him enough times but he keeps forgetting). X X X
