Monday, 22 August 2011


We are here at last, mummy says she is sorry if there are mistakes in this blog as she is struggling to type on an arabic keyboard and every thing going from right to left in addition to that none of the tabs are in english so she is having to remember what tabs are what - if you haven't guessed she is writting this at work.
So we arrived into Dubai about 7am on wednesday morning, all three of us were very tired - I managed to get 4 hours sleep on the flight but mummy and daddy moaned as I took up all three seats on the plane. once we had arrived we met another family who's mum is also going to be working with mummy, but we then had to wait around for another family to come in from Manchester, once they had arrived we said our hellos and moved into the OVEN aka outside to get a bus, we had a very slow 2hour drive from Dubai to our accomadtion in Abu Dhabi - so slow that the driver feel asleep on the main motorway and had to be poked to keep him awake.
My NEW appartment is massive it is on Abu Dhabi University campus which is 2 mins walk from mummies school, our appartment has 2 bedrooms but 4 bathrooms (not to sure what that is all about)but we also have a small maids room which we are using as ironing room but mummy says that some people have maids living in there I'm not sure how big the maids are but they can't be any bigger than me as the room is at least half the size of my OLD room. But the best thing about our new appartment is our new neighbours, we are living in 'D' block which has 8 appartments - 6 of which have little people for me to play with (between the ages of 2 and 6) - none of them are like my best friend Eva, Finn or Finley - just outside of block 'D' in the OVEN is a park which we can use before 11am and after 4pm anytime between then is just too hot I think my skin would melt and stick, I have to sit on a towel as it is. There is also a gym next to the park for daddy to work off his beer gut. There is also a pool at mummies school we can use but not at the moment as there is alot of building works going on there, so we have been told the health and safety line.
Mummy says she will post again very soon but she now needs to go to a meeting about setting up a bank account, which she says is important to enable me to get my pocket money - we do not yet have any internet in our appartment hence her having to post at school. She also says to tell you all that she can't access facebook or any other social network yet only her email, daddy can not access anything.
Right must go love to you all x x x

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