Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Happy Birthday Mr Boo Boo

This is me with my little cheeky monkey
Happy Birthday to my BIG cheeky monkey Uncle Neal

Monday, 24 September 2012

Red Smurf

Another school day but nothing special on just normal school, though when daddy picked me up he looked all funny, I had my spare change clothes on as I had got covered in sand and water during lunchtime play, I thought it was fun but Miss Bashir said I had to get changed. Daddy's face was a funny colour when he picked me up, I think he'd spent to long in the sun today. When we got home I went and played with the girls for a bit (their mummies face was also all red too) before mummy came home, I went down there as I knew mummy would have a go at daddy for getting all red in the sun hahahaha.

Neo - "Daddy looks like a red smurf"

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Car fix

Back to school, not much going on today, but did have P.E. which I like but it does make me tired, not that I had a day sleep thou - lots of my friends do, but I'd rather play so I just leave them to it and play. On the way home with daddy I saw Elsie, me and her ran around alot and had fun, I ended going to her house to play for a while, which was good. But she didn't have many cars to play with so we just played with her dolls. When we finished and got to our house mummy was already there. Me and her played and mucked about while daddy did something to the car, why he didn't do it while I was at school I don't know, but at least it meant I got to spend some time with just mummy, before long it was time for tea and 3Bs.

Neo- "Why didn't you fix the car earlier daddy? I want to play"

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Mummy's stuck

Today mummy really wasn't doing very well, I let her have a lay in and even then when she got up daddy sent her back to bed - me and daddy got bored in the flat so we went to Mushrif mall to buy mummy a treat to make her feel better and even better for me I got to play on the rides in the play area. When we got home I popped in to see mummy and asked her if she wanted to get up yet, she did so we had lunch and then went to the beach for a couple of hours.

Neo - "Lets bury mummies feet, and then she can't go anywhere"

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Swimming lessons

Today I got ready to go to school but daddy put me in my swimming shorts instead of my school shorts I thought he was going crazy until when I got to school Ms Bashir said that we were going swimming first lesson - YEAH !!!! I love swimming. The rest of the day was normal but after school daddy left me at the girls house whislt he went off to play football, when mummy got she looked for daddy then gave up and took me to a party which was really good it was Maya's 1st birthday party, everyone from our block of flats went (adults and kids) - everybody seemed to have a great time, thank you Abbey and Pete for letting me come and thanks daddy for letting me stay instead of going to rugby training x

Mummy - "Which teacher did you have for swimming?"
Neo - "Mrs Brown and the other one"
Mummy - "Mrs Brown and Miss Hepburn? ...... do you like them?"
Neo - "No, coz I have to do what they say, and I like to do what I want to do"

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Today was a normal day at school which was good, but afterwards I had my first swimming lesson which was brilliant as my friend Noah is in my swimming class. In swimming we did some underwater stuff to collect things from the bottom of the pool and lots of swimming, by the time I had finished I was VERY tired.

Neo - "How do you get the baby out of your tummy?"

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Another school day, though didn't get up early daddy even had to get me up, mummy didn't seem very well this morning and kept laying down, I tried to make her better but I don't think it worked, she went to school anyway. Not long after she went daddy took me in and then I left him to go find all my friends, school was good. Today was library day and I got to swap my book from last week for a new one, I like this as it means I get a new book every week and I love books. When school finished dadddy came and took me home, when we got home there was a great supprise as mummy was there, although I think it was because she wasn't feeling very well. After playing for a bit mummy and daddy sat me down and they told me that there is a 'baby in mummy's tummy', this is good news as I've wanted a baby for ages - and I have been moaning at them about one for months - and I'm going to get one although they said I am going to have to wait a while. Later on I even got to chat to my bestest friend Abdullah, I miss Abdullah LOADS, I wish he was still here.

Whilst chatting to Abdullah
Neo - " I am going to have a little brother or sister, my mummy has a baby in her tummy"

Monday, 17 September 2012

Playing in the sea


No P.E. today just normal school, but still lots of fun. When daddy took me home there were lots of cakes in the kitchen, but daddy didn't let me have any of the nice big ones, though he did let me have the cut offs and a small one but when he wasn't looking I ate all of the other small ones hahaha, they were really nice and if he didn't want me to eat them he should have put them away - where I can't get them. Well when I'd finished the cakes, I played with my Lego while daddy finished decorating the cakes, this takes him ages as he's not arty like mummy, when she got home she had to check the cakes to make sure they were good enough, I guess they were as daddy then took them to someone else, so they could eat them I think only I should eat them.

When daddy found out I had eaten all of the bits of cake
Daddy- "One of them was for mummy"
Neo- "Not any more ... (cheeky laugh)"

Sunday, 16 September 2012

My artwork

Well I was good again this morning and got up around 7am and kept quiet, I even playing with my new Lego. When mummy and daddy got up we played in the flat for a bit, before going out so mummy could go shopping again, first stop was 'Masdar City' which is OK as I get to drive the special cars, but once there mummy dragged me and daddy around an organic shop, she wanted some milkless cheese and a block of strange stuff, I think daddy could get cheese and the other stuff when he does the boring shopping (while I'm at school), and save me having to do it. When mummy had found what she wanted we went to the coffee shop for drinks and I had a lolly pop, mummy and daddy didn't seem up for playing so I left them inside the cafe and had fun on my own outside. After that I wrote my name on a computer and it made a picture from my writing which was cool (see above). Next we went to the gold souq so mummy could have her watch fitted, the man did that quickly and we went to get some lunch I had a lovely chicken, cheese, and olive subway. Then we went to the fun bit of the day - off to the beach, which was better then I hoped as Theo and his family were already there so I got to muck about with him, much more fun then just with mummy and daddy. When he had to go me and daddy made a big dinosaur island while mummy had a swim, I had to keep running bach to the sea as the water kept going away (from our moat), when we were done daddy made a massive NEO in the sand which we left so everyone will know I've been there, that was about it as it was getting late and I had to get to bed ready for school tomorow.

Neo- "Why are you two looking at each other?" ... pause .... "It's OK for you to look at mummy, daddy. But mummy your driving so you have look at the road"

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Fun Shopping

Today I had a lay in till 7am which  mummy and daddy was very happy about, today we went out to   delma mall, I like this mall as there is a massive toy shope (Toys r Us) and mummy said that I could spend some of my money - I bought a mixed bucket of lego. After the shopping we had lunch here and then went to the playarea. Then we went out to the Carpet Souq, to buy me a carpet/rug for my room, I liked a 'Tom and Jerry' one so I told mummy and mummy managed to get the man to agree a price which she wanted to pay, I don't know why but mummy loves the haggling and bartering for everything - she never pays anywhere near the price that they start at. She must have done a good job as the shop man warned the other shopkeepers that mummy was a tough customer - I think the shop keeper should just ask what does she want to pay and then just add a little bit extra to that as mummy will only ever go a little bit higher than what she starts at, she got my rug at a great price but she got one for her and daddy at an even better price (starting price was 1200d mummy payed 475d - the rule of thumb is suppose to be start haggling at half of the start price, but mummy always starts at a third and doesn't usually get to the half way mark). When we got home I played with my lego, and then it was tea and bed time - I decided that I wanted to sleep on my new rug in my play tent so I got my
self my pillows, sheet, torch, books and stitch and settled down for the night.

Neo - "Mummy would you like some apple juice, for your head ache?"
Mummy - "No thank you Neo"
Neo - "But mummy apple juice makes everything better"

Friday, 14 September 2012

Fun at school

Because I had SO much fun yesterday, I woke up early (5:30am) today so I could go to school - to be with Miss Bashir and my friends. Today we had swimming but we didn't get to go swimming as they were just showing us the pool and explaining the rules to us, I already know these as I went in the pool the other day.

Neo - "Sometimes my mummy calls me a silly billy and I don't like it"

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Today I tried to have a lay in this morning but daddy was not letting me, he told me that I had to get up for school. Once I was at school I had a fantastic day and even got to play with Edward again.

After lots of mucking about at the end of school
Daddy -"Come on Neo, are you coming home?"
Neo - "No its more fun here"


Back to school today, which is good as I can only cope with so much of mummy and daddy two days is enough, so back to Miss Bashir and all my school friends. We Had P.E. today, which I love but it does make me tired.

Neo - "Daddy when you come home from dropping me at school, you can play with my Lego if you want, but you have to tidy it up afterwards"

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Meet and greet

Today was back to normal - got up early, had breakfast, got dressed and went to school. today was a fun day, so much so that I didn't even sleep during nap time. After school I came home like normal but then had to return to school for a swimming trial/assessment as mummy has said that I can do extra swimming lessons after school - which is good as I love swimming - after swimming we came home for dinner and then we had to go back to school AGAIN for something called a 'meet and greet', where mummy and daddy got to meet my teacher and see my classroom, which was good as I got to show mummy where everything was as see hasn't seen my classroom yet, she is normally already at school but upstairs with the big kids.

Neo (said to Miss Bashir during breaktime) - "My mummies class is over there above the sand pit"

Monday, 10 September 2012

Mummy's birthday

I got up nice and early so I could give mummy all her cards as it was her birthday, I thought she should stay at home and not go to school, but she had to go in and so did I. I had a good time and at break time I got to play with my friend Edward (he used to be in my old class at nursery). I had an Arabic lesson today and we were learning some of the letters, they are not the same as English but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon. After school me and daddy chilled out at home and played cars, until I got bored and decided to go and see Amelia, after playing there for a bit daddy came and got me as mummy was home and I gave her more cards and some presents (which she watched me open, hehe), she got a new watch, a new purse and a duck, these were OK but I think she would have wanted at least some Lego and a few cars, but she seemed happy with them. After all this I had dinner and got ready for bed as normal and then mummy and daddy took me downstairs to the girls, as mummy and daddy were going out, I think they should have taken me but they said I had to sleep so I was ready for school. Well I had fun with the girls until it was time for bed, and then Nicky brought me upstairs to bed, mummy said that dinner was the yummiest ever - I hope they take me there for dinner one day.

Neo- "Why didn't you ask for more fun presents?"

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Where's daddy

Today was a school day YEAH !!!!! and daddy must have known I was having a good idea as he didn't come and collect me at 12pm like he was suppose to, so Miss Bashir had to call him to remind him - I didn't mind as my daddy wasn't the only one so there was still a couple in my class, hehe.

Daddy - "How was your PE lesson?"
Neo - "It wasn't swimming we had to do running, I wanted to do swimming"

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Early morning

Today I got up early again 6am, eager to go to school again, but mummy said NO again and told me to go back to bed to I suggested

Neo - "You should get up take me to school and then come back home and go back to bed, how about that? Does that sound like a good idea?"
Mummy - "Neo, school is shut the only people there is the security guards"
Neo - "That's OK I will wait with them"

Friday, 7 September 2012

Missing Teacher

Today I woke up at 6am so I would be ready for school, but mummy and daddy were still in bed I was NOT impressed as they said there was no school today. So instead we went to a brunch with my friend Shain, she got married in the summer holidays so we went out to celebrate her wedding - the brunch was really yummy. the day didn't end there as after we left we went home and collected my new friend Theo, his little sister Evie and their parents (it is really weird as they have just moved into our block from Maidstone - all of 2 minutes away from our house - Theo is a year older than me, so he is in Theo had seen the beach so we all had a great time in and out of the very warm (bath temp) sea.

Neo - "I want to go to school, I really miss my teacher, when I'm not at school"

Thursday, 6 September 2012

It's OK

Today daddy just dropped me off again and left this time he went away for longer, he said that he had to go shopping - I am glad that daddy is doing the boring stuff whilst I am at school having fun.

Neo - "Its alright daddy you can go away now, I don't need you here"

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Transformer Car

Today daddy dropped me off and left so I could play with my new friends for part of the day, before collecting me and Amelia for lunch, and baked some fairy cakes.

Neo - "Mummy why can't our car be a transformer car?"
Mummy - "You can't really get one of those car's"
Neo - "Yeah you can just put a robot under our car and cut a couple of bits of the metal and it will make it into a transformer car"

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Daddies coffee

Today me and daddy went to school for a couple of hours together, just so I could meet everyone in my new class, there are lots of new people in my class.

Neo (after daddy left me for 10 minutes to get a cup of coffee) - "Where have you been daddy?"

Monday, 3 September 2012

Miss Bashir

Today me and daddy went in to school to meet my teacher, she is one of my mummies friends who I did a visa run with daddy at the start of last year, anyway I now have to call her Miss Bashir.

Neo - "I like my new teacher"

Sunday, 26 August 2012

We are back in the land of heat and sun

After 5 fun weeks of travelling around England we are back in Abu Dhabi, I will over the next couple of posts share with you some of my fun, games, photos and quotes. But as mummy is very tired after our travels and her first day back at work I shall just leave you with today's quote

Neo - "My eyes are burning"
Daddy - "What?"
Neo - "They are on fire because you are making dinner" (Daddy was chopping onions)

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Neo - "My old friend from the teddy bear nursery in Maidstone, EVA!!!!"