Monday, 17 September 2012


No P.E. today just normal school, but still lots of fun. When daddy took me home there were lots of cakes in the kitchen, but daddy didn't let me have any of the nice big ones, though he did let me have the cut offs and a small one but when he wasn't looking I ate all of the other small ones hahaha, they were really nice and if he didn't want me to eat them he should have put them away - where I can't get them. Well when I'd finished the cakes, I played with my Lego while daddy finished decorating the cakes, this takes him ages as he's not arty like mummy, when she got home she had to check the cakes to make sure they were good enough, I guess they were as daddy then took them to someone else, so they could eat them I think only I should eat them.

When daddy found out I had eaten all of the bits of cake
Daddy- "One of them was for mummy"
Neo- "Not any more ... (cheeky laugh)"

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