Saturday, 15 September 2012

Fun Shopping

Today I had a lay in till 7am which  mummy and daddy was very happy about, today we went out to   delma mall, I like this mall as there is a massive toy shope (Toys r Us) and mummy said that I could spend some of my money - I bought a mixed bucket of lego. After the shopping we had lunch here and then went to the playarea. Then we went out to the Carpet Souq, to buy me a carpet/rug for my room, I liked a 'Tom and Jerry' one so I told mummy and mummy managed to get the man to agree a price which she wanted to pay, I don't know why but mummy loves the haggling and bartering for everything - she never pays anywhere near the price that they start at. She must have done a good job as the shop man warned the other shopkeepers that mummy was a tough customer - I think the shop keeper should just ask what does she want to pay and then just add a little bit extra to that as mummy will only ever go a little bit higher than what she starts at, she got my rug at a great price but she got one for her and daddy at an even better price (starting price was 1200d mummy payed 475d - the rule of thumb is suppose to be start haggling at half of the start price, but mummy always starts at a third and doesn't usually get to the half way mark). When we got home I played with my lego, and then it was tea and bed time - I decided that I wanted to sleep on my new rug in my play tent so I got my
self my pillows, sheet, torch, books and stitch and settled down for the night.

Neo - "Mummy would you like some apple juice, for your head ache?"
Mummy - "No thank you Neo"
Neo - "But mummy apple juice makes everything better"

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