Saturday, 23 June 2012

Two parties in one day

Today was another busy one so I got up nice and early (5:00am) not that mummy and daddy liked it, I thought it was good as we had a lot to do, so an early start would help but they kept telling me to go back to bed, not that I did. Eventualy mummy got up and left daddy in bed, we had fun and had breakfast. Then when daddy got up we all ran around getting ready to go to mummy's work lunch thing, but when we got in the car it didn't work so mummy got our neighbour 'Umesh', him and daddy tried to fix it while me and mummy went to see Abullah, after a while daddy came to get us as the car was fixed, so off we went to get some cards for all the partys we are going to. Daddy stayed in the car and didn't turn it off he said something about a battery in the car, it must take loads my computer takes 4 and the car is massive. When we got to the lunch thing there were loads of people from mummy's school there and lots of the children to, we all had lots of nice food and there was a room where all the children went so the grown ups could sit around talking - whilst we watched tv and played games. After ages, it was time to go to my friend Mathilda's party the fun part of the day, this time the car started - so daddy must have done a good job. Well here party was good and lots of my nursery friends were there, we played lots of fun games and had some food then all wnet to play in a big dress up room where I was a fireman and a police man, I had lots of fun and then at the end we all got goody bags. Then it was time to go home, but the car didn't start, daddy didn't do a good job after all - mummy called a man who came after a while and got the car working again, then daddy said we should go and get a new battery as that would fix the car, he says silly things sometimes he's always telling me cars use petrol, so why does it need a new batteries? Well we drove to the part of Abu Dhabi where all the fixer men work and found someone who did some work on the engine, but while the man was fixing it daddy noticed that one of the tyres got a hole in it so the fixer man helped fix that as well, mummy and daddy said he was nice and would come back next time there is a problen with the car. By now it was well past the time to go home to bed.

Mummy thought I was messing about in the bathroom again

Mummy "Neo, what are you doing"
Mummy "Neo ..."
Mummy "Neo ..."
Mummy "Neo, turn the tap off"
Neo "I'm Just washing my hands, give me a chance"

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