Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Daddy had a lay in this morning I don't know why, I only got up once and I managed to get up before mummy went to work. Well daddy got up and did my breakfast, then we got ready to go out and meet some of my friends. Quinn didn't make it today, but Max and Reis did which was good especially as I've not seen Max for ages and this was the last chance before they go on there summer holiday, we all met up at the play area in Marina mall, this was good as I've never been to that play area before, it's big and we played in the soft play before going on some rides, when we were finished we all said goodbye as we probably will not see each other until August/September. Me and daddy then went home to have some lunch, before we had to go and see the doctor to get rid of my nasty cough, the doctor didn't put any holes in me today, but she did give me an x-ray - I got to see all inside me, I could see all my bones and my heart and some other stuff, she said I was alright and I'll be OK to go on holiday but she has given me lots more medicines (the doctors like to give out medicine, mummy says that its because the insurance companies pay for everything as oppose to the NHS) today she prescribed me: 
Throat Medicine
Blue Inhaler
Peach Inhaler
Inhaler tube
Inhaler mask

Neo - "I have bones like a skeleton"

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