Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Christmas show

Me and daddy went to my nursery for our Christmas show where all my class did some singing and clapping in front of all the mummy’s and daddy’s, though it was mostly mummy’s but I had my daddy so I must be special, daddy videoed it for mummy anyway so she can watch it when she’s finished work. But she didn’t come home at the usual time and daddy told me to get in the car, I was worried because mummy’s normally home by now. Me and daddy ended up at Shain’s house (which was good as I like her she’s silly – silly Shain), she had some of her other friends there I don’t know why but if she’s having another birthday party, That means  I’m going to get another one, as my birthday is after hers. We all sat down and Shain had made a really nice dinner and had Christmas music on even though there’s no snow, after dinner we all went into her front room and all chatted and drank and more people came along but no mummy. Daddy said that mummy was swimming but I don’t believe him, you don’t go swimming when it’s dark. Anyway I had a very important  job of opening the door when the bell rang and welcoming everyone into Shain’s house, eventually mummy came which was good and Shain gave me a present which was a monkey that rolls around the floor laughing I think he’s really funny. I was getting tired as the party didn’t even start until after my bedtime, so we went home.

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