Sunday, 18 December 2011

Lift in the roof

Nanny and granddad are STILL here, mummy and daddy went off again, this is becoming a habit maybe they are trying to get rid of me, but nanny and granddad are more fun anyway - so I don’t mind - we stayed here and went down to the garden. Once mummy and daddy returned we ALL went to the ‘Heritage Village’ – we saw lots of different animals and different types of houses which Nanny said people used to live in, but I’m not sure as some were made of palm leaves and overs where made of rocks. After leaving the village we went to a different Mall but this time we went to the middle of the mall and went in a lift which went up and up and up and through the roof and even then continued going up, finally when the lift stopped we were at a revolving restaurant, we were so high up we could see loads of the islands and everybody’s houses.

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