Saturday, 10 December 2011

Dune Bashing

  Today started slow so I decided to spend the morning seeing how mad I can get mummy and daddy by ignoring them and generally doing whatever I want to and not what mummy and daddy want, this was working really well because by lunch time they decided we were going out and meeting Shain. Which is always good, we met her at the big-food shop near town and then we stood around for ages until a bus came along. We all got on it and drove for ages, which was really boring so I kept annoying the doughnuts up, we eventually arrived in the desert and the bus stopped near 
fence after driving on a really bumpy road.  We got off and mummy, daddy, and Shain were all excited but I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about, but when we went through the gate I saw the monkey, I don’t know why they had taken me to see a monkey and why they didn’t tell me where we were going. I gave him a big cuddle and he was my friend, they made me sit down while they drank coffee and ate some dates, but the monkey kept looking at me and crying, but they wouldn’t let me go back to him. 

Then we went outside the compound and there were two camels and horses. Mummy, daddy and Shain grabbed some big plastic things and we climbed the big pile of sand, mummy said it is called a dune, when we got to the top we all sat on the plastic and slid down the dune, this was great and I wanted to keep doing it but after 4/5 goes all the doughnuts said they were tired and we had to stop I don’t know how sliding down a pile of sand gets them tired? So we went and had some water at the camp, with the monkey, then a lady came over and said we should go back out so we followed her and got in a big car. 
It is a bit like the one mummy says she’s bought but we still don’t have it, so I’m not sure how that works but she says we’ll get it when nanny and granddad come over. So anyway we put our seat belts on and the man driving asked ‘are you ready?’ Not really sure what he meant but all the doughnuts said yes and he started to drive over the sand I thought mummy and daddy’s driving can sometimes be a little crazy but this man was the craziest driver I’ve ever known but it was loads of fun, I couldn’t stop laughing and telling him to go faster, though the men sat behind me didn’t seem so sure and kept screaming like little girls. Mummy says this type of driving is called dune bashing and we might do some when we get our new car, I can’t wait. After we got back to the camp, we had a go at camel riding which is a bit like pony club but they are a lot bigger, it was funny watching mummy and Shain (Shain couldn’t even get on mummy had to try to lift her she is only a little bit taller than me!) the camel struggled to stand up and made a lot of noises, he sounded like a cow.

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