Friday, 20 April 2012

1st Nose bleed ...

Today is Friday so its the weekend, but unfortunately as there are some people coming to look at mummies school in 2 weeks time she had to go into school today, which I didn't like because I like spending the weekends with her (daddy gets a bit boring - I have to be with him all the time). But I made the most of today anyway, first I let mummy have her weekend lay in as I'm nice like that, then when she was ready to go into work I walked her there, as I don't get to do that during the week and it makes her feel better about going in. After lunch me, daddy, Nicky, Grace and Amelia, went to the beach - where we had loads of fun until there was an accident, I got banged on the nose and got my first ever nose bleed, everyone looked worried apart from daddy, who just took me to the little police station, the ladies in there cleaned me up and made it stop bleeding, so I could carry on playing as normal. After lots of the usual fun and games, it was time to go home and see mummy, I missed her today.

Neo - After lots of rambling nonsense "that can be my quote"

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