Sunday, 29 April 2012

Good news or bad news?

I was really good this morning, mummy and daddy said I should not get them up till late, so for a change I didn't I just played in my room and the front room until almost 9:00am, now that's a real lay in for them - so I hope there happy about it, they should be. More bad news mummy has to go in to school again (but at least today was only for a hour), I think I'm going to go and tell them that she has to be with me at weekends so no more school at a weekend PLEASE. After mummy went to school me and daddy went to the Abu Dhabi Mums table top sale, and I got a load of new cars so that made up for no mummy, and when we got home mummy was there that made me very very very happy. I showed her all my cars and we had some fun with them, after lunch we had to go and do some boring shopping but I had fun and kept running off and hiding, I like this as it makes mummy and daddy all worried, their funny like that. When we got home Abdullah was in the garden, so I went to play with him until it was time for T&3B's.

Early on this morning mummy used the saying 'Do you want the good news or the bad news' to let me know she was going to school, from then on I've been using it ALL day.

Neo - "Do you want the good news or the bad news?"
Mummy - "The good news"
Neo - "I've only got bad news"

Neo - "What news do you want?"
Mummy - "What is there?"
Neo - "Good news, bad news, rudey nudey news or wiggley news?"
Mummy - "What is rudey nudey news? or wiggley news?"
Neo - "Rudey nudey news is that I took all my pajamas off this morning when I woke up, so I was rudey nudey all morning"
Mummy - "And the wiggley news?"
Neo -  "That's because my bum goes ..." (I say as I wiggle my bum)

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