Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Lets build a rocket ....

There was no snoring Friday granddad in my room I would take advantage by having a good long sleep, so long that daddy even had to wake me up so I could get to nursery on time, and we couldn't be late as Abdullah comes with me today. This week at nursery it is reading week,so we are allowed to bring in a book for all of the class, so I decided to take in 'Edward built a rocket ship', which is one of my favourite books, and one of my best friends at nursery is called Edward, and I think me and Edward should build a rocket ship and steal the moon (using a shrink ray), mummy keeps saying Shain could help me with this but I don't need her help, although it would be good to see my silly friend - as I've not seen her for ages think mummy has got to sort that out. After nursery I had a fun afternoon in the garden with all my friends, until mummy and daddy said I had to go in and have some dinner, after dinner I had a good chat with my 'pretties' and that was it for today, night night all.

I have been watching 'Despicable Me' a lot in the last week
Neo - "Daddy, when you go shopping can you get me a rocket?"
Daddy - "Why do you need a rocket?"
Neo - "To steal the moon. Can you get a shrink ray as well, as I need one of them too"
Daddy - "I'm not sure they have them in lulu's"
Neo - "Ok we'll get it when we go back to England, and I need a space suit, and a spare one. One pink one and one green one."

This is what I want to do ......

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