Saturday, 28 December 2013

Photo of mummy

Neo - "Mummy I know you don't like photos of you, but sit there and I'll take a nice one ............  See it is a nice one"

Friday, 27 December 2013

Good boy Diesel

Neo - "Diesel has been such a good boy, Santa haw brought him his own bike.....  Now we can ride our bikes together"

Thursday, 26 December 2013

The Elfs

Neo -"Grandad is silly, he's wearing a jumper in the desert"

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas spirit

 Neo - "Whilst you are all busy eating, I went and had my face painted, ta dar!"  

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Me and my family

Neo - "As pretty nanny is here she can take a photo of all of us"
Daddy - "Mummy doesn't like having her photo taken"
Neo - "Well she only has to stand there and smile"

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Friday, 22 November 2013


Neo - "It's raining !!!!!!!!....... It never rains in Abu Dhabi ....... PLEASE can I jump in the puddles?????? I never get to jump in puddles"
Mummy - "Yeah, go on then"
Neo - "YEAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Mummy - "Where are your pants?"
Neo - "On the sofa, I've gone commando today as I get sweaty when I wear pants, so I'm going commando"

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Neo - "I'm on Diesel's taxi"
This was the first time mummy has seen me doing this but daddy has just told Mummy that I do it most days after school.

Monday, 28 October 2013


Neo - "Please can I have a magners?"
Mummy - "Yeah, ok I'll do you a magners"
10 minutes later
Neo - "How long does it take to get a magners"
Mummy - "O, sorry I forgot"
Neo - "I thought you was picking the apples"

Saturday, 26 October 2013


Mummy - "Right Neo you need to tidy your room, as Clare and Stu are coming to stay. So please can you put all your toys away"
Neo - "Ok mummy, you can count on me"

Friday, 25 October 2013

Five in the bed

Neo - "Mummy there's no room for you in the bed...  There is already five in the bed, me, Daddy, Diesel, Stitch and Leroy"

Thursday, 24 October 2013


Neo - Holding his new lego figure he got for his excellent parent evening yesterday - "How scary is he?"
Mummy - "Really scary"
Neo - "Is he as scarier than you when your angry?"

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Today was my first parents evening in FS2, my Teacher told mummy and daddy how she was really impressed with me as I help my friends in class and who I have been paired with someone for phonics and that I've been really good as I have not just been given her the answers but that I make her think for herself. She also told them about something which she overheard today ... She said that she was about to step in but she didn't need to as I dealt with it :-)

A classmate said to one of my friends - "Your stupid"
Neo - "How would you feel, if I called you stupid?"
Classmate - "I would feel sad"
Classmate to my friend - "Sorry for calling you stupid"

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Clumsy mummy

So at 4am this morning Mummy woke up in the middle of the night, got up to check on Diesel and on the way back into bed slipped and smashed her head on the corner of the bedside table, splitting it open which meant I had to get up and go to hospital so it could be stitched back together. Whilst Iwe were there she needed the toilet, so I had to go with her to make sure she was ok
Neo - "Mummy leave the door unlocked I won't let anyone in, when your in there you need to keep talking to me ... actually you should sing 'baa baa black sheep' then I'll know if you've fallen asleep"

Monday, 21 October 2013

Morning Diesel

At 6 am - Diesel was in his walker in the front room, I didn't know that mummy was in the kitchen
Neo - "Good morning Diesel, are you the only one up?"

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Ginger hair

Whilst on holiday in Muscat I went swimming so much that my nice blonde hair started to turn green, so when we got home mummy washed it with tomato ketchup, which has made it all blonde again, yeah!! But whilst the ketchup was on my hair
Mummy - "Neo your hair looks ginger now"
Neo - "What's ginger?"
Mummy - "It's the reddy orange colour of some people's hair, it's called ginger hair"
Neo - "Do gingerbread men have ginger hair?"

Saturday, 19 October 2013


Neo - "Mummy, I am just going to put my book down here, just to pick it up again .... I'm just being sarcastic"

Monday, 14 October 2013


Whilst watching survivor 'blood and water's
Neo - "He's crying and he was crying a minute ago too"
Mummy - "That's because he is a wimp"
Neo - "No, it's because he just doesn't want to be there"
Mummy - "Well she's laughing at him"
Neo - "Its NOT funny"

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Diesel laughing

Saturday, 12 October 2013


Neo - "Once diesel can crawl we can play 'it', he can chase me and sometimes I'll pretend to fall down so he can catch me"

Friday, 11 October 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Edwards Card

Daddy - "We need to get Edward a birthday card"
Neo - "Yeah, get a hot wheels one"
Daddy - "I'll try but they might not have one"
Neo - "OK, as long as its a boy one and a bit dangerous, he'll like that as he likes dangerous things"

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Neo - "Mummy, I think you should go to bed"
Mummy - "I can't I'm looking after Diesel"
Neo - "No mummy you need to go to bed, your tired and your back hurts. I'll look after Diesel"
Mummy went to bed and Daddy took Diesel, 10mins later I crept in
Neo - "Hi mummy, I just I came in to check you're ok, and to give you a hug"
1 minute later I went back to Mummy with Stitch
Neo - "Here you go you can cuddle him, whenever I'm poorly I cuddle him and he makes me feel better"

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Neo - "Daddy please can you move out my way?"
Daddy - "Why what are you doing?"
Neo - "Well it's too late now"
Daddy - "What is?"
Neo - "I wanted to watch the electricity"
Neo turned off the plug attached to daddies mobile phone charger, then turned it back on
Neo - "Ohhhhh"
Daddy - "You can't see electricity"
Neo - "Why not?, if you took of the black stuff off the wire you could"
Daddy - "No you can't that's just dangerous, you would end up being electrocuted "

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Drawing for old grandad

Neo - "I have drawn this ice skater for old grandad"
Mummy - "Ahh that's nice, are you going to colour him in?"
Neo - "No, old grandad doesn't like colours"

Thursday, 26 September 2013


Daddy - "Night Night Neo, I love you to the moon and back"
Mummy - "Night Night Neo, I love you to Pluto and back"
Neo - "Mummy you do know that Pluto isn't a planet don't you? it is just a cluster of stars"
Mummy - "Yep, I love you to the cluster of stars called Pluto and back"
Neo - "Night Night Diesel, I love you all the way around the universe and back"

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Mr Boo Boo

Uncle Neal holding me when I was tiny
Neo - "Happy Birthday Mr Boo Boo, I will help you open your presents when I see you, and I will nick them too"
Mummy - "I don't think Uncle Neal will get any toys, for his birthday, he's too old to get toys"
Neo - "He like's playing with toys, Mr Boo Boo is silly like me"

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Neo - "Mummy whilst you were at work, I taught Diesel how to walk"


Monday, 23 September 2013

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Me, James and Amira
Neo - "Baa Baa Black Sheep have you any wool, No sir, No sir Diesel took it home to make daddies smelly socks"

Sunday, 22 September 2013


Thomas - "I worry that my cats are going to die"
Neo - "You shouldn't worry about that everything dies at sometime"
Thomas - "I know but I do worry"
Neo - " The older they are, the less weeks they have to live"

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Diesel swimming under the water
Neo - "Mummy I think you should leave your hair down today"
Mummy - "But if I don't clip it up I won't be able to see where I'm going"
Neo - "That's ok you can just keep lifting it to see, but you also won't be able to see any naughty boys being naughty, that way you won't get stressed out"

Friday, 20 September 2013

Monster Trucks

Neo - "Mummy, look I've made a Monster truck out of Lego .... did you know that after there were dinosaurs there were monster trucks?"
Mummy - "After us you mean?"
Neo - "Yeah obviously"

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Sad news

Neo - "Are you ok Thomas?"
Thomas - "No I'm so sad, my nan died, it's so sad"
Neo - "Well your mum might have a baby, and that might be your nan"

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Neo - "Please can you turn up my AC?"
Mummy - "It will be cold if I turn it up"
Neo - "That's ok, I like it cold"
Mummy - "You moan about the cold in England"
Neo - "That's cause when you get wet in the rain, you don't dry"

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Baby Talk

Mummy - (whilst eating tea, and pointing to the empty packet of Philadelphia ) "Caa uerrr errsss gerrrr meee errrr merrrrr peeeeessss"
Daddy - "What?"
Mummy - "Can you please get me some more, please"
Neo - "How was daddy suppose to understand that ? ... You was talking in baby talk .... You are an adult you are too big to talk in baby talk"
Mummy - "I know, I had my mouth full"
Neo - "Well you shouldn't talk with you mouth full, it's rude"


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Ms Hepburn

Mummy - " You have PE today"
Neo - "Who will be my teacher?"
Mummy - "It might be the New teacher, she teaches alot of little children"
Neo - " I hope it's not Ms Hepburn, I'm fed up with Ms Hepburn"
Mummy - " Why are you fed up with Ms Hepburn?"
Neo - "Coz she is annoying and plays rubbish music"

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Neo - "My new fish is called flops"
Mummy - "Why have you called a Japanese fighter fish flops?"
Neo - "Coz he dances about like your mate flopsy lopsy"

Monday, 9 September 2013

Penguins are nasty

Neo - "Why do penguin catch fish?"
Daddy - "To eat them for their tea"
Neo - "That's nasty, I like fish they should eat something else like broccoli"
Daddy - "You eat fish"
Neo - "I don't want to eat fish ever again .... Except salmon and fish fingers"
Mummy - "Don't you like salmon?"
Neo - "Yeah I do, to eat"

Friday, 6 September 2013

Boat Building

Whilst on the phone to Pretty Granddad

Neo - "I want you to build me a big boat and leave it out til I come back"
Pretty Granddad - "That will be a long time"
Neo - "I don't mind"
Pretty Granddad - "OK"
Neo - "Yeah a boat with stairs"
Pretty Granddad - "With stairs?"
Neo - "Yeah big boats have stairs"
Pretty Granddad - "Oh ok, I'll add this to my list of jobs to do"
Neo - "Yeah that way it will keep you busy and then you won't miss me, as your be playing with lego, which is fun and it will all be messy"

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Back to School

Mummy - "Did you have a good first day at school today?"
Neo - "Yeah"
Mummy - "Did you meet your new teacher? Is she nice?"
Neo - "No, I just played with my friends"
Mummy - "She's not nice?"
Neo - "I don't know, I didn't see her, I just played with my friends"
Daddy - "Yes you did meet her, She made you the front line man"
Neo - "Oh yeah but someone else pushed in in front of me, but I didn't mind thou"
Mummy - "Ahhh so you did meet her, Was she nice?"
Neo - "Mummy shhhh I'm trying to watch my TV programme"

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Dirty Bertie's Dad

After mummy read me Dirty Bertie.

Mummy - "Neo, do you think Dirty Bertie's Dad was dirty like Bertie when he was little?"
Neo - "No"
Mummy - "So he wasn't dirty like you then?"
Neo - "Actually, I think he was dirty like Bertie, but now he's grown up so he has learnt to be clean ... When I grow up I will be clean too"

Monday, 2 September 2013

Diesel's jabs

Today Diesel had his second set of jabs

Neo - "Diesel your going to have your injections"
Doctor - "Yeah this will help him not to get poorly"

Doctor gave first injection

Diesel - "WAAAAAAA"
Doctor - "Only one more injection, and then some yummy syrup"
Neo - "NO !!!! Your hurting him"
Daddy - "Neo, he needs to have them move out of the way so the doctor can give him his other one"
Neo - NO, She's hurting him, he doesn't like it, don't do it ... I'll have it for him ... "

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Shorts wet

Neo - "Please can I go in the stream?"
Mummy - "Yes, you can that why I bought your wellies with us"
Neo - "Thanks mummy, that's why your the bestest"
Mummy - " Just make sure you don't go too deep otherwise you'll get wet feet"
Neo - "I will"
Pretty Nanny - 5 mins later - "I think his wellies are full of water, I just saw loads go in"
Mummy - "Neo come here, are you wellies full of water?"
Neo - "Yeah but I don't mind, I was washing them out"
Mummy - "Ok well let me empty them then so you can walk in them"
Neo - "Please can I go back in the river?"
Mummy - Yeah, ok then, just try to stay dry"
10 mins later Mummy comes to see what I'm up to (that's when this photo was taken)
Mummy - "I thought I said to stay dry, you've got all of your shorts wet"
Neo - "Its not my fault....  You said I could go in the river and the river is deeper than the stream"

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Big Small

Pretty Granddad - "Here is your  big small drink"
Neo - "You can't get a big little drink .... Its either a big or little, it can't be both, it's either one or the other"
Pretty Granddad - "Ok, Here's your medium sized drink"

Friday, 16 August 2013


Neo - " I miss Banksy, I wish we could take him to Abu Dhabi"
Mummy - " I miss him too"
Neo - "Diesel will miss him too, as he always lays next to him"

Thursday, 15 August 2013


Neo - "I wanted to live here next, and be a Shepherd"

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Crazy golf

'Neighbourhood watch' = Me checking out the neighbours party
balancing on a watering can on a wall, to look over a 6ft hedge
Mummy - "Did you have fun at crazy golf?"
Neo - "Yeah, but it was hard"
Mummy - "Why is it called crazy golf?"
Neo - "Because it's crazy"
Mummy - "Oh ... "
Neo - "Yeah and on the last one, there was 3 holes and they are all up a hill"
Mummy  - "Wow did you get it in there?"
Neo - "No it was too hard I didn't bother with that one, as you had to hit it really hard to get it up the hill"

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Mud Monsters

Neo - "Watch out there are mud monsters down there"
Mummy - "What are they?"
Neo - "They are like trolls which live under bridges but they live under swamps ad mud"

Monday, 12 August 2013


Neo - "I want to go camping"
Daddy - "We are camping"
Neo - "Yeah, but I want to go camping for a long time"

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Quiet we're in a tent

Neo - SHOUTING - "Look at that boy he is running around outside with only a t-shirt on"
Mummy - "Shhh Neo, you need to be quiet they will able to hear you"
Neo - "How will they?"
Mummy - "We are only in a tent, which is made of fabric"
Neo - "Why is it?"
Mummy - "Well if it was made of bricks, like a house it wouldn't be a tent, we can't pack a house into our car, can we ..."
Neo - SHOUTING - "But that boy ..."
Mummy - Shhh Neo, you need to be quiet they will able to hear you"
Neo - "How will they?"
Mummy - "Well, can you hear them?"
Neo - "Yeah"
Mummy - "Well they can hear you too then"
Neo - "But that boy ..."
Mummy - "Ok Neo, I heard you the first time"
Neo - "Well why didn't you just say that then!"

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Friday, 9 August 2013


Whilst walking back from the park with Pretty Granddad, a lady was walking towards us with her dog, just before she got to us she crossed over the road, so I could stroke the dog :(
Neo - (just as she was level with us on the other side of the road) - "Granddad did you see the boobs on that?"
Granddad - "Do you mean on the dog?"
Neo - "Yeah, it was a mummy dog"
(Unfortunately the lady had already walked on to hear the end of this conversation)

Thursday, 8 August 2013


Neo - "Nanny please can you help, I'm trying to go to the loo but Banksy is in the way"
Pretty Nanny - "Oh Banksy, he's laying across the doorway, Neo you'll just have to step over him"
Neo - "Oh but that made me stretch my legs far, and now my legs hurt"

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Neo - "Lets play tag"
Mummy - "Ok, I just need to ..."
Neo - "Tag your it"
Mummy - "... but ..."
Neo - "Your it !!!"

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Mummy - "Neo have you seen my phone?"
Neo - "No"
Mummy - "Are you sure?"
Neo - "Sure"
Mummy - "Can you have a think?"
Neo - "Ok, where did you have it last time?"

Monday, 5 August 2013

Granddad's car

Pretty granddad - " Look at the state of my car, your mummy had better wash it before she gives it back to me"
Neo - "He's lucky he didn't see it at Abdullah's house, it was really dirty there"
Mummy - "Yeah your right it was shhhhh"

Sunday, 4 August 2013


Neo - "My daddy has a motorbike"
Mummy - "Not like this one, this is a very old bike from the war"
Neo - "Did old granddad have one of these ones?" 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Missing Daddy

Diesel, Lily, Me, Josh and Oscar
Mummy - "Have you enjoyed travelling around seeing everyone?"
Neo - "Yeah, I have liked staying with lots of people, and playing with them all, but I was just wondering when are we going to see Daddy again? As we haven't seen him for a long time, and I miss him"
Mummy - "We can Skype him tonight if you would like to?"
Neo - "Yeah I do, but when can I see him to give him a kiss and a cuddle, I want to give him a cuddle and so does Diesel"

Friday, 2 August 2013

Old Granddad

Neo - "I like old granddads garden"
Mummy - "Because of the Lavender?"
Neo - "Yeah.... Was it his wife who died?"
Mummy - "Yeah, just before Christmas"
Neo - "I miss old Nanny, I wish I could see her again"

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Good morning Mummy

This is what Mummy walked into when she came out of the shower :)
Mummy had a quick shower whilst Diesel was still in bed (or so she thought, I heard him wake up so I went and got him out of his hammock)

Neo - "Morning mummy, you can chill out and have a cup of tea, I've got Diesel"

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Confusing = Diesel with Kirsty from Abu Dhabi in Lincoln (UK)
Storm starts with thunder and lightening and torrential rain
Neo - (shouts as he disappears into Michelle's garden) - "FINALLY...  "

Monday, 29 July 2013


Me and Abdullah
Michelle - "What are you looking forward today?"
Neo - "Rain"

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Watch Diesel

Musa, Me, Abdullah and his 2 friends
Whilst building Lego with Chris Diesel started to moaning in his bouncy chair
Chris - "Diesel is crying let me get him and when mummy comes back we can carry on building the truck"
So I picked up Diesel and laid him on the sofa next to Stitch
Neo - "We can carry on now, stitch will look after him"