Sunday, 18 August 2013

Shorts wet

Neo - "Please can I go in the stream?"
Mummy - "Yes, you can that why I bought your wellies with us"
Neo - "Thanks mummy, that's why your the bestest"
Mummy - " Just make sure you don't go too deep otherwise you'll get wet feet"
Neo - "I will"
Pretty Nanny - 5 mins later - "I think his wellies are full of water, I just saw loads go in"
Mummy - "Neo come here, are you wellies full of water?"
Neo - "Yeah but I don't mind, I was washing them out"
Mummy - "Ok well let me empty them then so you can walk in them"
Neo - "Please can I go back in the river?"
Mummy - Yeah, ok then, just try to stay dry"
10 mins later Mummy comes to see what I'm up to (that's when this photo was taken)
Mummy - "I thought I said to stay dry, you've got all of your shorts wet"
Neo - "Its not my fault....  You said I could go in the river and the river is deeper than the stream"

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