Tuesday, 13 March 2012

'But why?'

Another Monday another nursery day, so not too much to say - but when me and daddy got home mummy was there which is strange as she is meant to be at school, I was thinking something is going on with mummy and daddy, or her back is really bad. Mummy said that she needed to go to see another doctor which was really boring, but to make up for it I did get a nice big cinnabon cake to eat yummy. When she came back out of the doctors she said her back felt a lot better, which I think is good as she'll be able to give me proper cuddles again soon. Once we got back home I was able to play outside with Abdullah and some of the other boys who live here.

Today's quote happened during a 20 minute car journey, I was continuously playing the 'but why game', with plenty of 'but whys', 'no, it's not', and 'talk about it more'.
Daddy- 'Is any of my answers going to be acceptable?'
Neo - 'NO!'

I almost forgot mummy said that some of you reading this are in a very cold country called Russia, and that you read about my adventures on a regular bases, so I would like to say 'marhaba' (which is hi in Arabic) to those of you who follow me on here, but don't actually know me and please feel free to comment or ask any questions and I will answer, that's if I can but if not I will ask my mummy to.

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