Wednesday, 14 March 2012

IKEA record!

Its Tuesday so pony club, couldn't wait to see all my friends again - its always fun. Me and daddy had to take a load of stuff to mummies school first - as daddy was silly and forgot to do it yesterday, which means we get to drive over the pavement (daddy and mummy moan that its a long drive all the way around but takes 2 seconds if we take a short cut) which is funny as the car goes all wibbly wobbly and shakes me around and which makes me laugh a lot. We finally got to the stables a bit early today which was good because that meant Pepper was waiting for me (like normal) so I got to go on straight away no waiting around, I think everyone else was late today and Reis didn't make it which was a shame as me and him like to run around a lot till one of us gets in trouble, hehe. Noah and Liam's granddad was there and he was very funny especially when he did a magic trick where he blows his hat off his head. After we finished at pony club, we went to a shop called Ikea (lots of you will know this shop) me and daddy don't really like it, only there food makes up for it, I love the meatballs although they are not the same as in England. Me and daddy did the quickest ever shop there we were in and out in under 10 minutes, I think this is a world record (for Ikea) and all daddies should try to get all of the mummies out of Ikea in the same time, daddy thinks this would make the world a better place. Later on we went to Thomas's flat as it is his birthday today, so we spent the rest of the evening there at his party (I like parties) until it was time for my bath.

Quote on the way home from IKEA -

Neo - "My eyes are trying to shut"
Daddy - "Hold them open"
Neo - "Their shutting my eyes"
Daddy - "Who are shutting your eyes"
Neo - "The spiders are"
Daddy - "The spiders?"
Neo - Yeah they are making my eyes shut"

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