Saturday, 10 March 2012

Nice Neo

I think I was very nice to mummy and daddy this morning, after waking up I checked on them they said it’s still night time so I left them and played in my room till it was really day time, then got daddy to get up and make my breakfast. Mummy got up a bit later but was all funny and didn’t look quite right – she looked like a robot as she wasn’t moving her neck or her arm), then daddy was trying to get me dressed quickly and saying something about the hospital, but I’ve not had any accidents. I didn’t understand what he was on about but then that’s not unusual as he does come out with a load of rubbish, so off we went to the hospital, mummy went and saw the doctor (not me that makes a change), the doctor said she’s had to go and have some injections, loads of drugs and to rest up for a week, I went with her but her injection was nothing like one I’ve had before – she had a tube in her hand it was attached to a bottle of water. When we got home mummy laid down for a bit and then we took her to Shain’s house - then me and daddy went to my friend Reis’s birthday party on the beach, that’s one of the reasons why Abu Dhabi is so good – it is Friday nanny’s birthday in England today and she says it’s cold but here we have a party on the beach (in March). Reis’s party was really good and we played games like pass the parcel, building sand castles and a piñata. He had a Micky Mouse cake, the whole thing was good fun and I’ve decided I’m having my next birthday on the beach.

On way back from Reis’s party
Neo – “ Reis have two spare beds?”
Daddy – “I don’t know why?
Neo –“We could stay at his, if not I can, and you can find somewhere else to sleep”

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