Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Zoo with Pretties

"Daddy please can I have one?"
Look nanny its a snake
Today was good, after been lazy and letting mummy and daddy sleep in again, me and nanny baked loads of gingerbread men/rabbits/teddies and decorated them with icing. Then when mummy and daddy got up we all went to the zoo, I love the zoo and so does nanny and granddad, we fed loads of animals and I got to hold a snake again, they won’t let me hold the lion cubs any more as they are nearly as big as me now, each one of their paws are about the same size of my two feet put together. One thing that was really funny was one of the big tigers, who I think wanted to eat nanny for dinner as he kept jumping up to where she was standing, his paws was about the same size as her head. He did it to mummy as well, the tigers head was about 5 inches apart from mummies, with only a little wire fence separating them, they were staring at each other for ages before the tiger padded his paw and snorted at the same time which sprayed sand in mummies face (mummy says was great to be so close to a tiger, that she could feel his breathes on her face, I don’t understand what she means, she says weird things sometimes). Later on we all went to ‘The Noodle House’ for our dinner which was really yummy and the waiters were funny especially the one I tickled every time he came near our table, I kept being told ‘do not do it when he has plates in his hands’ but what’s the fun in that so I just ignored them all and carried on.
Nanny – “Say night to mummy and daddy and give them a cuddle”
Daddy kissed me
Neo – “A kiss is not a cuddle”

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