Thursday, 31 May 2012

I'm strong ...

I don't know what was going on this morning, but I woke up late and mummy and daddy were still asleep they normally come and wake me up if I sleep in this late. I guess they got all muddled up and thought it was the weekend or something, daddy got me ready for nursery and took me but mummy was still in bed, strangely I thought nothing of this until I started to write this, but it's a bit odd as she wasn't ill but didn't go to school, I hope she doesn't get in trouble with Quinn's mummy. Nursery was good and we did cooking as it's Thursday and today we made bread, I  helped out the girls with the kneading bit as they don't have big muscles like me, and our bread was lovely, not that I expected anything else as everything we cook is lovely. When it was time to go home daddy got me, but mummy was there as well I (had a massive smile on my face). On the way home we had to do some shopping as mummy wanted some paint and we needed some dinner, the man in the paint shop very was nice and gave mummy some money off just because he liked me. When we got home I played with mummy, until I was bored of her then went down into the garden getting Grace and Amelia on the way, so I had someone to play with, it was very hot outside and we didn't stay out for long, but it was getting late anyway and I had to get home for T3B's.   

At nursery - when we were making the bread.

Miss Jo - "Can we have the boys on one table and the girls on another"
Neo - "I'm going with the girls"
Miss Jo - "But your a boy"
While holding arms in muscle man pose
Neo - "I know but I have muscles, to punch the bread"
Miss Jo - "Ok then"

Old mummy's back

This morning I got up nice and early, as mummy went out last night before I went to bed and I wanted to check she got home, she did and its a good thing I checked as she didn't look like she was going to get up for school, but when she did get up she must have thought we were back in England because when she was ready to go to school she looked like she did in England (sticky hair, loads of earrings, tattoo's showing) and I like it she should look like that more. After old mummy went to school me and daddy mucked about and read loads of my books, before we went to the big swimming pool where I did loads of good swimming, daddy said its my best swimming so far. When we got home me and daddy read loads of my books and watched Gnomeo & Juliet, one of my favorite films. Not long after that mummy came home still looking great, and we went back to her class room as she had some nice cake for us that she forgotten to bring home. We then went back home and mummy read me a new book, then she had to get ready to go out AGAIN, she is making a habit of this and its going to have to stop. After she went daddy helped me make my pizza for dinner.

After mummy went to work
Neo - "Daddy do you like mummy when she looks like that? I do she looks like old mummy"
Daddy - "I do that's what mummy always looked like"
Neo - "No, her hair was blue and I liked that too"

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Last pony club :(

Me, Dr Pepper, and his Groom
I was sad today as its the last pony club, as the pony's are all going on holiday to a place that's a bit colder as Abu Dhabi is too hot for them now, I hope they have a good time as I really like them and they deserve a nice holiday after all their hard work - giving us all rides every week. I had a good time there and had a last ride on my favorite pony 'Dr Pepper', he was good and even went fast for me, I'll miss him as I won't be able to come to pony club when they get back after the summer, as I'll be at school. Daddy says I might be able to come to the stables on Saturdays to do the long rides (round the grounds), hopefully all my friends will come to, I'll let daddy sort that out. It was hot today and I think everyone just wanted to stay indoors, when we finished on the pony's, but I wanted to play so I dragged daddy outside to play with me. Eventually Max came out to play (but Noah and Reis were not there today) so it was just us, we had fun but had to go home after a while, Max went in his car today as his mummy is clever and passed her driving test. I wanted to go with them, but daddy said I had to go with him. On the way home we quickly went into some shops to get mummy's camera, the man STILL didn't have it and I think daddy wanted to be very naughty, he had that look on his face (if it was mummy she would have, I still think she might yet). Daddy let me go to the play area for a bit then we went home, I had a little day sleep, and when I woke up there was a crane at the university I wanted to go see it, so daddy and me went for a nice walk and watched the men making the new bridge, after our walk we came back home and I went to play with grace and Amelia, until mummy came home then it was time for T3B's.

Mummy was telling me that someone had upset my good friend Shain

Neo - "Lets kick them or punch them"
Mummy - "We can't do that, it's naughty"
Neo - "OK then slam the door on them ........... or tip rubbish on them and they will get it in there mouth"

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

I want my own way!

There was nothing much to tell you today, it was a nursery day and I had a good day - we played outside and I learnt some Arabic, then at the end I got a lift home with Abdullah. I had a chilled out afternoon with daddy reading my books and playing with my cars, after a while I was getting tired and wanted daddy to know so decided bad Neo should finish the day, I spent the rest of the day winding him up, not that I want him to know but dinner was lovely and he can do that one again.

During my winding up daddy

Daddy - "You have a choice, you can sit over there and eat you dinner so you can watch your film, or sit at the table"
Neo - "I don't want a choice, I want my own way"

Monday, 28 May 2012

Bugsy ...

I woke up early today just to make sure mummy got up (I don't think she wanted to), she kept turning her alarm off and trying to go back to sleep, and I wasn't going to let her - it's school day for her and nursery day for me. After she went to school I decided to take as long as possible getting ready for nursery just to wind daddy up a bit, hehe. I took sooo long that when we got to the lift (on our way down) when the doors opened Abdullah and his mummy were inside coming up to get us, they had come up as we were sooo late (which is unusual as normal we are ready and Abdullah is not). Nursery was good as usual, I had splash play and I got my class photo which looks great (I have asked mummy to scan it in so hopefully you will all be able to see it tomorrow). I got a lift home from Abdullah's mummy and we went into mummy's school to watch the final dress rehearsal for the play that mummies kiddies are doing are doing (Bugsy). I liked it, apparently I didn't even notice mummy walking through, I was so busy watching the play I didn't see her. 

Mummy - "Don't stretch your t-shirt"
Neo - "But I like it, so if I stretch it it will still fit me when I get bigger"

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Ice Skating

I was quite nice to mummy and daddy this morning, I didn't make them get out of bed till almost 9:00 - I was up earlier but I didn't bug them too much until 9am. After breakfast we got dressed and for some reason they put joggers and jumpers on, not sure what that was about maybe mummy and daddy do need more sleep because I think they've forgotten we live in Abu Dhabi (in 43') and we are not back in England, pretty nanny says that it's hot back there this week but we'll still need jumpers when we go back because England's idea of hot is not really very hot.
Well I went along with there crazy clothing idea and we went for a drive in the car to where the bowling alley is, but parked by a different building, when we went into the building, I decided mummy and daddy maybe had the right idea as it was freezing, then we had to swap our shoes for funny ones with bits of metal on the bottom, and they were very hard to walk in, but not as hard as walking on all the ice in there, mummy and daddy say its called ice skating -

 I have wanted to do this for ages, but I have to say 'it looks easier then it is'. Not long after we got there my friend Abdullah turned up with his mummy so we all had a go skating, me and Abdullah were not very good but we did get better the longer we were there, and it was fun despite falling over a lot (but between me and you half of the time I wasn't fallen onto the ice, I was just sitting on it and touching it, I told mummy that it remind me of Christmas in England). On the way out I bumped into another one of my friends Noah, he was there with all his family,
I hope he enjoyed the skating too, I'll ask him at pony club on Tuesday. After we finished skating we had to get yet another hole in my arm from the doctor, I don't like them but mummy and daddy had to get some as well. Daddy had to get two, whilst me and mummy only had one each. After that we had to go and do some shopping mummy wanted some stuff to have a dress made for aunty chell's wedding, it was boring but the men in the shop were funny and gave me some chocolate biscuits. When we got home daddy cooked a lovely roast dinner (Sunday roast on a Saturday) and then it was time for a shower.

When I was going to bed...

Mummy - "If you get up in the night for the loo, don't flush it"
Neo - "Why not?"
Mummy - "Because they are turning off the water"
Neo - "But I won't be able to wash the germs of my hands"
Mummy - "I will put some wipes in the bathroom, so you can still clean your hands"
Neo - "Will that kill the germs?"

After all the fun and games

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Yummy Cakes ...

Today mummy had to go to work something about reports, so me and daddy had a day together, after all the usual breakfast ect... we went to the shops and bought some stuff to bake some cakes as we've not done that for ages, we decided on making a banana cake and a carrot cake. When we got home with all the stuff we set to work making the cakes, daddy helped me with things like turning on the cooker and puting in the cakes but I did most of the work, and the cakes turned out really good. When they were all finish me and daddy did loads of reading and writing as I'm getting good at it now and want to show off when I get to big school. When I got bored of that we went to Khalifa park to run around and use up all my energy and yummy cakes, so I can sleep well again tonighht.

Neo - " I want to make a tomato cake"
Daddy - "No, you can't make a tomato cake"
Neo - "I think if you can make a cake from carrots you can from tomatos"

Friday, 25 May 2012

Cooking at nursery !

I didn't post anything yesterday because mummy left the computer at school, I'm not sure why but she does silly things like that for no reason sometimes. Yesterday morning I got up late as I'd been up a few times in the night, but this was only because I was SO excited as it was my first Thursday going to nursery and I couldn't wait. After the rush me and daddy got to nursery and all my friends were there, I had a great day because my class does cooking on Thursdays and I love cooking, we made cheese scones and they were lovely. At the end of the day daddy came to pick me up and we also picked up Abdullah, which was good as we got to play at our house for ages. After he went home mummy came home she went straight out again, I was not happy about this, but did get to play with daddy again, unfortunately when mummy did get back it was time for T3Bs.

I was using the magnetic letters to write my name on the fridge. Mummy was trying to help me find my letters, but she was trying to give me the wrong ones.

Neo "No, that's an oval my name has a circle in it"


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Cold air !!!

I had another great night's sleep - I got up this morning, woke mummy and daddy up as they didn't want to get up this morning even though their alarm had been going off for ages. Eventually mummy left for school, and me and daddy had breakfast (I had one of mummy's special waffles with poached egg - I hope she doesn't read this as she's not meant to know I eat her waffles). When we had finished breakfast, me and daddy took the car to a garage to try and get the air fixed, as the other garage didn't fix it on Sunday. The car fixer man at this garage seems nice and I think he'll fix it. We left the car there and got a taxi to the big pool, I did loads of good swimming. Today I learnt a new trick I can now float (without my woggle or float) on my back for ages then when I'm bored I just swim backstroke. After a looooonnnnnnng swim we got a taxi home, where I got to speak to 'Friday nanny' and played lots of silly games with daddy. Later on daddy's phone rang - Yeah the car is fixed - he asked if I wanted to go and get the car or play at Abdullah's house, I don't know why he asked it's a silly question, of course I'd rather play at Abdullah's. I stayed . Me and Abdullah played inside for a bit and then went into the garden for the day, we stayed there until daddy got back.

I made a Lego model and mummy asked me about it.
Mummy - "What have you made?"
Neo - "Look its England it has got no sand or sea"
Mummy - "What about a sun?"
Neo - "No it has a moon and rain, it always rains in England"

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Marshmallows ...

I didn't have the best sleep last night, daddy says I woke at 4:30am and kept waking up about every half hour there after, I think he's making it up. This did mean that I was up when mummy got up for work which is good as I like to see her before she leaves in the morning. After she had left I got ready for nursery and as we haven't got the car back yet so I got a lift with Abdullah's driver. Nursery was good as usual and Abdullah's driver even brought us home, we went to Abdullah's house for a few minutes until daddy came to get me, but I said Abdullah had to come with us so we all went back to our house to play and watch Chuggington, we did loads of running around and daddy chased us with my big shark, we played at ours until Abdullah's mummy came to get him for his dinner, I still wanted to play with him so I invited myself over to theirs for dinner (with him) - mummy said that I must eat it, otherwise I wouldn't go again - his mummy said I could, but when we got there dinner wasn't ready I thought it would be waiting, so I went straight to the table and waited, I told Abdullah's mummy I was hungry and wanted my dinner. When it was ready it was lovely and I ate loads. After dinner we went out to the garden to play for the rest of the day, till daddy came and took me home for my bath.

During one of my half asleep moments this morning.
Neo - "I'm hungry, mummies eaten all the marshmallow's, I want marshmallows"

Mummy says that she would like to add that she has not eaten all of the marshmallows and that I have with my cold hot chocolate - that is not an error I do not drink hot chocolate until it is cold, but I do eat the cream and marshmallows before they melt :)

Monday, 21 May 2012


Back to nursery today, I got up with mummy and daddy so I could I help mummy getting ready for school, all was good this morning and I was ready to go to nursery on time, so off we went to get Abdullah and then off to nursery. Daddy was then off to get the cold air fixed in the car. I had a good day as usual, then when it was time to go home me, Abdullah, and Amelia all went home together as our car wasn't done yet. Me and Abdullah played at our house until his mummy got home then we went to his house for the rest of the afternoon, until it was time for T&3B's.

Daddy - "What would you like for breakfast"
Neo - "I'd like that thing I'm having"

Sunday, 20 May 2012


Today I woke up early for mummy and daddy, not that they appreciated all my efforts in getting up for them, they just tell me to go in my room again, so I did and then decided to make lots of noise with my Lego (by pouring the whole box of into all over the tiled floor), daddy gave up and got out of bed and put Dumbo on again for me but this time he stayed with me unlike yesterday. When mummy got up, not that much later she had to go to school again something to to with someone called Bugsy never heard of him but he should know weekends are for NEO, well she wasn't in for too long as we had to go to see the doctor again to have another hole put in me, but I was a brave boy and didn't cry, although it did hurt a bit. After the doctor we went to a mall for ice cream and to buy Grace a birthday card as yesterday i twas her birthday and she was having a little party today because she went to the skiing place yesterday and got to play in the snow with the penguins, I want to do that and so does mummy especially as we have no cold air (still in the car) and the snow would cool us down nicely. When we got home I was playing with mummy and we did some photos I think mummy wanted me to do all posh ones but I liked doing it all wrong just as she took each one, before long it was time to go and see Grace and give her the card and present, all my mates (who live here on our complex) were there and we all had a fun time, until all the mummy's said it was time to go home for bed.

After I put on one of mummy's old sun hats (as in the photo)
Neo - "I am ready to go to a festival. Look daddy, which one are we going to?"

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Visiting Quinn ...

Well here is what I got up to on Thursday and Friday, Thursday started with all the normal breakfast and messing with daddy around for as long as possible, but then we went to my friend Quinn's house although we didn't go straight there as daddy took the wrong exit on the motorway, so we had a bit of a diversion but eventually we got to their complex and the security man gave daddy some strange directions to where we needed to park the car fortunately there were some other men working and they got us to the right place. When we got out of the car park all I could see was the beach and decided I like where Quinn lives as he has a beach and we don't. Then we walked up some stairs to a nice big walkway with fountains, benches and nice plants, we waited there for Quinn and his daddy to come and show us where their house is. Well only waited for about a minute before I saw Quinn so went running over while daddy slowly got up to join us, then on the way to his house I saw their swimming pool, now I really want to live there as they can go swimming every day and that is my idea of a great place to live, a beach and a pool. Their house is very nice. Me and Quinn played with all his toys he has lots of dragons which is good as I like them and when he comes to my house I'll have to show him my ones, he also has a canon which fires bullets - I really liked this and we both had fun shooting loads of different things, after being there for a while I found another cool thing with their house, the lights in the toilet turn themselves on and off when you go in and out, I want them in our house as I need a step to reach the light switch. After spending most of the day there it was time to go home as daddy was playing football. When we got home daddy took me to mummy at school - I got to play the drums which I've not done for a while so I enjoyed that, also I got to meet Quinn's mummy not that I believed mummy when she said it was his mummy but she had a photo of him, so then I believed her and told her all about mine day and Quinn's day. I also told her off because she had said Quinn couldn't go swimming, because he has a cold. When mummy had finished she had a surprise for me I had 2 letters one from each of my grandparents and in them was another car with pop out weapons and Mr bump sweeties from pretty grandad, and Dumbo DVD from Friday nanny, this is a good film - there's an elephant that fly's in it (but there is also a naughty bird who is smoking, smoking is a dirty habit) I remember nanny telling me about it when she was in Abu Dhabi and now I've got it.

Neo - "We couldn't go swimming cause Quinn's mummy said it's too cold but we checked and it was a little bit cold and a little bit hot."

Now to Friday, I started by getting up early but mummy and daddy said I had to go back and stay in my room for a while, I didn't like this idea so I went to the living room and played on my computer until daddy came in and put on Dumbo for me, once he did this he said he was going back to bed but I wasn't having any of that, so made a huge fuss over everything crying shouting but when I kicked him though I might have gone a bit far and he made me go to my room for ages, eventually he let me come out and I was very very sorry. I had breakfast and watched Dumbo which I liked especially when he fly's and the pink elephants dancing. When mummy got up we had a chilled out time and I had a nice long bath before we had to go and do some boring shopping, that was about it for the day but I did get to drive the special cars at Masdar city. We couldn't go very far as the car is like an over as it was 43-45' outside and the cold air is STILL not fixed, when we arrived at the shops mummy got out the car she was pulling at her clothes and looking at her shorts, I asked her what was she looking at and she said it was to see if it looked like she had wee'd herself (something to do with sweat), I said "Are your shorts broken? or your pants?"        

Friday, 18 May 2012

Wait ....

So today I have had such a busy day at Quinn's house, that I have fallen asleep without tell mummy what I have been up to - apart from the fact that we played with Quinn's dragons. So you will all have to wait until tomorrow morning to hear my fun stories from today.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Messy yoghurt don't tell mummy ...

Pony club today although it's getting a bit hot now, and they have said that next week will be the last 'Pony club' of the year, there was not many children there today - I think this is because of the heat, but at least Quinn and Max were there, Noah wasn't but his little brother (Liam) was, we didn't play for very long in the park, after riding the pony's as it was way too hot, I rode Pepper and Candy (but not for too long as even the ponies are feeling the heat). When we were all finished riding the ponies, we went to the cafe where some of us drew pictures for the groom's as we won't see them after next week, I did a drawing of me riding Pepper and I thought it was very good and so did daddy. When we were finished me and daddy went to the mall to get some shopping and mummies camera, not that we got it, daddy got angry not quite like he does with me but the man in the shop still understood. After the shopping (I got some marshmallow's - woo hoo), we went to the post office to post a letter something about getting some money from a doctor. After that we went home and played inside for the rest of the day. 

In the car on the way home from the shops, I spilt yoghurt all over the back of the car
Daddy  - "Have you spilt any of that yoghurt? Mummy will not be impressed"
Neo - "Yes, but you can clean it up. Then it will be our secret"

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Funky pants ...

Mummies still not any better today but she went to work anyway, I got up to say goodbye to her I thought she should stay (I was even hanging off her leg like a dead weight, as she was walking out of the door) but she wasn't having it. After she left me and daddy played, I raced him with my breakfast he had to do all the washing up before I ate my porridge, I won of course. When we had done playing and sorting all the washing and other things that daddy has to do, we went swimming to the big pool - I did loads of proper swimming, I'm getting quite good at this now and keep throwing my woggle and float away as I don't really need them as I can always get to the edge or to daddy if I need to. Daddy still hasn't got the cold air fixed in the car, he says they will do it on Sunday, that's ages away and its very hot without it, by the time we got home from swimming, we were so soaked from sweating in the heat, we might as well stayed in our swimming stuff. Not long after we got home Abdullah's mummy came to get me, we went off to pick Abdullah up from nursery (he's lucky, he gets to go every day ) then we went to his nannies, which is good as I didn't get to go there other day, and we even went to the mall to play in the 'learn and play area' which is a bit like a massive nursery - I liked it.

I decided I was going to help daddy get dressed this morning, as this meant we would get to go swimming earlier.

Daddy  - "Neo, Can you please get me some pants from that drawer?"
Neo  - "OK, I'm getting you some funky ones, as you haven't got any Buzz Lightyear ones "

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Hot Air ...

Pony club again, but first to give you an update on mummy - mummy is still not better, hope me and daddy don't get it as it seems to make you a bit grumpy, and both mummy and daddy can do that well enough without been ill. Pony club was good as usual with all my friends, but I think its getting a bit hot for the parents they just stand around chatting and not really playing with us at all. After pony club we gave Max, his sister and mummy a lift home which was good apart from the cold air in our car broke so we all got VERY hot, I think daddy's going to get it fixed tomorrow, I hope so because we need cold air. By the time that we got home daddy and me had to take off our t-shirts as they were soaked, I don't think an ill mummy liked me laying my wet t-shirt on her, but it was a new way to wake her up. Mummy went to lay down again and me and daddy got loads of my toys out and played lots of silly games, until we thought it was cool enough to go out side, it wasn't (it was still 43' @ 5pm) I got very sweaty again and so we didn't stay out for long but by then it was time for dinner anyway, so I didn't mind coming back in.

Neo - "Daddy get the cold air fixed, I don't like hot air"

Monday, 14 May 2012

No ants today ....

I got up just after mummy and daddy this morning, as I wanted to say goodbye to mummy before she went to school, although something was up mummy she wasn't her usual running about self, but she went in anyway, I think she might be a bit ill, well after she went daddy sprayed my hair again and then I had a big long bath before daddy gave my hair a big wash to make sure all the ants had gone, while I was in the bath mummy came back home as she was sitting (not looking her best) on the sofa, now I knew she was ill. She and daddy then spent ages looking all through my hair just to cheek the ant eggs had all gone before daddy took me to nursery, and they let me in after checking my hair AGAIN. I had a good day and Miss Jo read my book 'Farmer duck' as we are currently learning all about farms. After nursery mummy was still on the sofa not looking her best. We all watches some films together, before we went to the garden so I could play with Abdullah, we had fun until it was time to go in for T3B's, at which point I thought it was time for 'naughty Neo' to come out to play, just to annoy mummy and daddy, as much as possible before bed time, I think I did a good job as they didn't look very happy - but I think I might have lost out as well as mummy always reads my book to me when I drink my milk, normal she does silly voices and takes her time but today she read it really fast in a dull boring voice, I think I might behave tomorrow night.

On way home from nursery.
Daddy - "What did you do at nursery today?"
Neo - "I did painting, Arabic and Miss Jo read my book"
Daddy - "What did you learn in Arabic?"
Neo - "Arabic!"

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Nasty Ants ...

Today was back to nursery, but we didn't give Abdullah a lift as he i staying at his nannies house, when I was at nursery I got join in with the splash time as daddy remembered my towel and change of clothes today. In my class I was making a sheep and really liked gluing the wool on him. At lunch time daddy came to pick me up which was strange and I wasn't happy as I was supposed to go with Abdullah to his nannies after nursery so we could play, but nursery said it was something to do with the ants in my hair. The rest of the day was fairly chilled and daddy put some more stuff and combed my hair again, but that was about it for the day.

Neo - "I don't like these ants, they stop me from going to Abdullah's nannies house"


Saturday, 12 May 2012

Fun on Yas

I got carried away today and by the time I remembered it was time for bed. We had a good day spending most of the day at one of the hotels on Yas island, so I spent most of the time swimming, and mummy and daddy got to chill out in the sun (well mummy kept running between the two as she said it was 'too hot'.

Just after waking up to mummy and daddy
Neo - "Why do I miss you when I don't see you?"

Friday, 11 May 2012

Tiny ant eggs ...

Early start today for no reason other than to annoy mummy and daddy and to watch 3 movies one after the other, once they finally got up. We got dressed and started to get ready to go out but when mummy was brushing my hair she said she found little eggs - I don't understand as I haven't seen any ducks or chickens, she said that they were like tiny ant eggs (sometimes I think mummy talks a load of rubbish), we were going to the shops and the park but all of a sudden mummy decided that before we went anywhere that we had to sort out the washing and even my teddies (including stitch) all put into the washing machine. Finally we got out but no where exciting just to the shops, whilst we were there mummy was looking for a comb - I'm not sure why I already have two at home - but she couldn't find the kind that she was looking for. When we got back home mummy put some STINKY stuff on my hair, covered it with a silly green hat and but at least she washed it off after about 20 minutes - she said that it was to get rid of the tiny ant eggs. 
So overall today has been a VERY lazy not doing much day.

I was not ready to go to bed today so I kept getting back up, when ever I do this mummy and daddy always take it in turns to put me back into bed it's almost like a tag team.
Neo - "It's mummies turn to put me to bed" (this was about the 6th time - 3rd time for mummy)
Mummy - "Come on ... get into bed ... night I love you"
Neo - "Mummy .... are you getting fed up with me?"
Mummy - "I'm not fed up but I do wish you would got to sleep and then we can have fun tomorrow"
Neo - "O ok, night then love you"

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Fitness day ...

Ahhhh ... I had a chilled out morning just playing about with daddy, until it was time for us to go swimming, where I had a great time and did loads of proper swimming I think this was good in daddy's eyes and I think I need to do more as well because when we go back to England I want to show off to my friends and instructor from my old swimming class. I wasn't happy thou as Andrew wasn't there but I had fun anyway as daddy let me do some silly swimming after all my hard work with the proper stuff. After all that hard work daddy EVEN let me have a day sleep, which was good as I needed it, I think he tires me out just so I do have a sleep sometimes. After my sleep me and daddy had races with my toy cars and I did some of my best dancing but then we had to stop and go to mummy's school as daddy was playing football, I think he's going a bit crazy does he not know its 45 degree's outside? Well we left him to get sweaty and went back home. Then my friend Shain came round and she bought me two new books, she always moans that mummy and daddy don't read me the classic fairy tales, but until now I didn't have them; so now mummy and daddy won't have any excuses, Thank you Shain - I love Shain's books she always picks good books. Once daddy came home, mummy and Shain went out.

Neo - "Where have Shain and mummy gone?"
Daddy - "To the gym"
Neo - "Why?"
Daddy - "They're trying to get fit for Shain's wedding"
Neo - "So mummy will be fit like you Daddy"

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Hot Hot Hot ...

This morning I was on best behaviour as daddy said we could go to the hotel if I was good, so I did my best, I didn't argue or make any fuss over breakfast, while daddy sorted out our bag. When it was time to go we went down stairs to Nicky and Amelia's as they were coming with us, which would be good as it can be a bit boring with only daddy especially as there are not very many children to play with there (anymore as most of the holiday makers have gone home to escape the heat). It was very hot today (45c) - SO hot we had to stay in the water or shade all day long, I liked staying in the water but not so keen on the shade bit (especially as I had my t-shirt on all day anyway), it was OK for when we had lunch but that's it. We had loads of fun in the swimming pool's and I kept trying to teach Amelia to swim, but she didn't really like that. Me and daddy went to the beach so I could swim in the sea, as the hotel is in a little bay you don't get any waves - so I don't get sea water splashed in my face, which makes it a good place to practice sea swimming. After spending most of the day there it was time to go home, I could have stayed longer but daddy was going on about getting a ticket on the car, don't know what he was on about he got one from the machine when we got there. When we got home it was back to my trains and reading books until mummy came home and we had dinner one of my favorites SHARK. 

Daddy - "Tomorrow shall we go proper swimming?"
Neo - "With my friends?"
Daddy - "Your swimming friend might be there" (The lifeguard)
Mummy - "ahh that will be nice"
Neo - "Yeah, I think he should go to nursery"
Daddy - "He can't ..."
Neo - "I just figured it out he's too big for my nursery"

A park at the airport?

Pony club day - So I knew it would be a good good day, woke up early to say goodbye to mummy, had breakfast got dressed and had my hair done (which trust me when I say that can take forever mummy says its because of the rat tails but I don't know why there are rat tails in my hair, they should all be on the rats - I'm not a rat!), with time to spare = a good day so far. I took my scooter this week so I could get from the car park to the ponies quicker, and when I arrived Pepper was ready and waiting for me so I made sure I was on him straight away, I had a really long ride as it wasn't very busy today, after I had rode Pepper, I went on Candy and Century. When the club was over I put one of the other ponies back into his (air conditioned) stable I can't remember his name, but he was very nice until I opened the door to his stable when he pushed past me before it was open properly and squashed me, I wasn't very happy about this as daddy says its rude when I do it and I don't like rude pony's. Not all my friends were there today but there were enough of us to still cause as much trouble as ever. For the rest of the day we didn't really do very much as it is getting too hot out here (to be outside), we just stayed in and played with my trains and read some books. When mummy came home we all went to a new park at the airport, this is a nice big park and I don't think anyone knows its there as we didn't see anybody the whole time we were there and it didn't look like it gets many visitors, I think we will come here more often now and we might have to bring a picnic next time.

On the way home from pony club.
Neo - "Can I have a day sleep?"
Daddy - "Yes"
Two minutes later 
Neo - "No music daddy it wakes me up, and I'm getting fed up with it"

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Pirate faces ...

I got up late this morning, when I say that I actually mean daddy got me up late, I told him I wanted to have a long lay in just to see what its like, mummy and daddy seem to like them so thought it was about time to give it a go (I quite liked it and can see why mummy and daddy don't like me waking them up) so I might even let them have one at the weekend - but please can you remind them that I've only said 'might' let them. It was good that we were running late as just as I was getting dressed Abdullah's mummy came to the door with him and asked if we could take him to nursery with us as the man who normally takes him on Mondays was taking his brother (Musa) to his nanny's house. I had another good day at nursery; we made a farmer, as we are learning all about farms this month. After nursery it was too hot to play outside so Amelia and her mummy came to ours and we played with my trains and started watching Gnomeo and Juliet, until they had to go and get Grace from school. Then me and daddy went to the garden for a bit, but I was hungry so we went back to make dinner and then mummy came home so I played with her and she gave me a long bath, before book and bed.

Neo - "Mummy take a photo of me looking like a pirate ....
I can be a happy one, a cute cheeky one, a sad one and an evil one"

(Neo pours water over his head) Mummy - "Is that a pirate too?"

Neo - "Yes, he is one who has just washed his hair"

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Measurements ...

Back to my normal today Sunday, daddy had to wake me up as I was very tired after all my fun over the weekend with Abdullah, and we ended up being late for the drive to nursery, not as late as Abdullah thou when we knocked on his door to take him he was still asleep. His mummy did take him to nursery  a bit later thou. I wasn't to happy with daddy today as on a Sunday my class has just started 'splash play sundays' and he didn't bring me anything to wear so I had to stay in the playground bit. (When he picked me up he said something about not knowing, I don't believe him thou I just think he is jealous as he doesn't have any splash days). Apart from that, I had a good day at nursery. Once daddy had drove me home we played with some of my puzzles and I got my wooden train set out; until mummy came home as it was SO hot today and I didn't want to go into the garden, as no-one else was there and it's not so much fun on my own. When mummy did get home she said I had to have loads areas of me measured (She measured boring parts like my arms and legs, when she was measuring my arm I asked her "Do you need to measure my willy?" she laughed and said that Aunty Chell didn't need that) for aunty Chell's wedding, when she had finished, we all went out to the garden as loads of my friends were out

Whilst daddy was putting me to bed.
Neo - "Make sure you put Stitch in as well, he's my best friend"

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Sleep over . . .

No post yesterday, I had a sleep over at my friend Abdullah nannies house and didn't have a chance to blog to you all. Well Friday morning started with me winding up mummy and daddy, I was just SO excited to be going to Abdullah's and wanted mummy and daddy to just hurry up and get ready so I could go. When we finally got there, Abdullah's family were getting ready to go to the mosque, and once I'd put my bag away, off we went (Shain - I have now been to a mosque for a service, are you proud of me?). After the mosque we went to marina mall for some lunch and lots of fun in the play area, after we were finished we went back to Abdullah's nannies house, where we played some more before T&3B', when we went to bed me and Abdullah were trying to have a proper sleep over with a lot of chat and not much sleep when we finally decided to go to sleep we heard a loud scream so we both got up to investigate, which is when Abdullah's mummy told us that Abdullah's cousin had stood on a cat, neither me nor Abdullah believed this, we both said "She stood on a cat???", who stands on a cat - anyway we were both tired so we went back to bed and slept.

Saturday - this morning I woke up at Abdullah's nannies house and had weetabix for breakfast, after breakfast me and Abdullah went into the garden and picked some tomatoes for Abdullah's nanny. Then after a morning of play and lunch we went over to Abdullah's friend Lauren house, she was really nice and I especially liked playing with her 'Thomas the tank' engine trains and swimming in her pool. After this we went and got some tea, me and abdullah were so tired after our busy weekend.
Me and Abdullah picking tomatoes

So I came home to see MY mummy and daddy, they were really happy to see me, I was happy to see them too BUT I did ask if I could go back to Abdullah's nannies house after only about 10 minutes of being with mummy and daddy, hehe, I really like Abdullah and his family, mummy and daddy said that I am allowed to have a sleep over at my house, so I am going to ask Abdullah's mummy if Abdullah can came and stay here with me.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Domino effect ...

Daddy wasn't awake when I got up this morning (only mummy), and mummy went to school soon after I got up - so I just had to go and get daddy out of bed, I started by shouting 'mummy mummy' even thou I knew she'd gone then when I got bored of that I just went in to mummy and daddy's bedroom and got on the bed and jumped up and down, poked daddy, tickled daddy, and shouted at him until he FINALLY got the message. After some more annoying him I decided I'd better be nice as I wanted to go swimming, and if I just annoy him he might not let me go. So off we went to the swimming pool where my friend Andrew works, he was swimming already when we arrived so I just got on with it and used my new float to do loads of proper swimming, I even did a load on my back, which daddy says I don't do enough of (but I did loads of it today to make up for it), even Andrew was impressed. A bit later Andrew was having a lesson on how to jump in from the blocks, he should have asked me as he knows I jump in from everywhere, he was doing some funny way where you go in hands first, doesn't he know your meant to go in feet first? After swimming daddy had to get a hair cut and I just had lunch and chatted with the men in the barber shop, one of them was a bit silly and kept saying we were in Dubai not Abu Dhabi (I know we where we live so I was trying to tell him, silly man). Well I had a day sleep in the car and daddy let me sleep a bit when we got home too. When daddy woke me up, we had fun running around the flat and me hiding daddy's not very good at finding me so this game can last ages. Then we went to the garden and mummy came home I hardly even got a go on the swing and we had to go out to a strange shop - there was loads of material all wrapped around tubes they were all stacked up like domino's so I decided to see if they worked the same so I tried and they did, I pushed one over and they all started to fall down - whilst I did this mummy bought herself two sari's for Shain's wedding.

When daddy was trying to take me to bed
Daddy - "Come on lets get you to bed"
Neo - "No, you go I'll stay here"

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Holes in me :( ...

Today was quite good for me, it started with the usual winding up of daddy by not eating my breakfast, I say not eating but I did actually eat it but made sure I took as long as possible over it I think one and a half hours for a slice of toast isn't too bad. When I was finished with that and got dressed we got the kitten out of the maids room and took him down to Nicky - as she was taking him to the cat rescue centre, so they can make him all big and strong, though he kept escaping from the box and trying to play and run, I like him as he's cheeky like me. After we gave him to Nicky, we went to see a doctor as daddy says I need some special medicine, the doctor was very nice but said we have to go back for more medicine for Shain's wedding, BUT I've never needed medicine for any of the other weddings I've been to, so I'm not sure what the doctor means maybe she just wants to see me again. When we got around to the medicine bit I wasn't so happy as the medicine isn't the stuff I normally get at home, as it was an injection. I know I'm a big boy but it did hurt just a little bit, I didn't cry I just said 'ouch' and took my sticker. After all that I decided I was going to give daddy a nasty afternoon as he said the doctor wouldn't hurt, it didn't hurt much but I'm not going to let daddy know that. So when he made lunch I decided that I would eat it REALLLLLY slowly, it took me over three hours to eat a sandwich (which is a new record for me). After my 3 hour lunch, we went down to the garden to end the day on a good note, If daddy's good I might be good for him tomorrow.

Neo - "That doctor put a hole in me, I don't like holes in me"

lost kitten ...

Pony club, this morning I decided that I'd been to easy on mummy and daddy so (my split personality)  VERY naughty Neo came out of my bedroom and just ignored everything they said or asked me to do. Mummy got off easy as she went to school, so I gave daddy a double dose, not sure he liked it but he's not seen that side of me for a while and its good to keep him on his toes. Once we arrived at Pony club I reverted back to good 'butter would not melt' Neo just to make daddy think he had gone mad, I think this is funny not sure he does thou. I had a good time with my friends as usual, and even got a photo of my new friend Quinn and me playing on one of the toy pony's that are in the playground there. After we were finished me and daddy gave Max, his sister, and mummy a lift to the mall, as we had to take mummy's camera back because the man still hasn't fixed it properly, they need to otherwise mummy will be very cross, I think the man at the shop is very lucky that it is daddy that has been dropping it off and collecting it otherwise he would have to deal with mummy in a bad mood, and trust me when I tell you all she is scary when she is in a mood. After we got home and had lunch me and daddy went to the garden to play, and I found a little kitten who has lost his mummy, he was very small and very hungry, so I made daddy take him up to ours and give him some milk and chicken, I'm not sure daddy would have if I wasn't there so its a good job I was, once the kitten was fed daddy said he had to go back down to the garden, I wanted to keep him but daddy says we are not allowed cats so we took him outside, we carried on playing and keeping an eye on the kitten. When mummy came home she saw the kitten and decided we had to take him to the cat rescue but they were shut so now we are looking after him until the morning.

Mummy "Daddy is the bestest daddy isn't he?"
Neo " No, you are"
Mummy "But I'm a mummy"
Neo "But your so good I don't need daddy"
Mummy "But daddy is the best daddy?"
Neo "No Martin is..."