Saturday, 19 May 2012

Visiting Quinn ...

Well here is what I got up to on Thursday and Friday, Thursday started with all the normal breakfast and messing with daddy around for as long as possible, but then we went to my friend Quinn's house although we didn't go straight there as daddy took the wrong exit on the motorway, so we had a bit of a diversion but eventually we got to their complex and the security man gave daddy some strange directions to where we needed to park the car fortunately there were some other men working and they got us to the right place. When we got out of the car park all I could see was the beach and decided I like where Quinn lives as he has a beach and we don't. Then we walked up some stairs to a nice big walkway with fountains, benches and nice plants, we waited there for Quinn and his daddy to come and show us where their house is. Well only waited for about a minute before I saw Quinn so went running over while daddy slowly got up to join us, then on the way to his house I saw their swimming pool, now I really want to live there as they can go swimming every day and that is my idea of a great place to live, a beach and a pool. Their house is very nice. Me and Quinn played with all his toys he has lots of dragons which is good as I like them and when he comes to my house I'll have to show him my ones, he also has a canon which fires bullets - I really liked this and we both had fun shooting loads of different things, after being there for a while I found another cool thing with their house, the lights in the toilet turn themselves on and off when you go in and out, I want them in our house as I need a step to reach the light switch. After spending most of the day there it was time to go home as daddy was playing football. When we got home daddy took me to mummy at school - I got to play the drums which I've not done for a while so I enjoyed that, also I got to meet Quinn's mummy not that I believed mummy when she said it was his mummy but she had a photo of him, so then I believed her and told her all about mine day and Quinn's day. I also told her off because she had said Quinn couldn't go swimming, because he has a cold. When mummy had finished she had a surprise for me I had 2 letters one from each of my grandparents and in them was another car with pop out weapons and Mr bump sweeties from pretty grandad, and Dumbo DVD from Friday nanny, this is a good film - there's an elephant that fly's in it (but there is also a naughty bird who is smoking, smoking is a dirty habit) I remember nanny telling me about it when she was in Abu Dhabi and now I've got it.

Neo - "We couldn't go swimming cause Quinn's mummy said it's too cold but we checked and it was a little bit cold and a little bit hot."

Now to Friday, I started by getting up early but mummy and daddy said I had to go back and stay in my room for a while, I didn't like this idea so I went to the living room and played on my computer until daddy came in and put on Dumbo for me, once he did this he said he was going back to bed but I wasn't having any of that, so made a huge fuss over everything crying shouting but when I kicked him though I might have gone a bit far and he made me go to my room for ages, eventually he let me come out and I was very very sorry. I had breakfast and watched Dumbo which I liked especially when he fly's and the pink elephants dancing. When mummy got up we had a chilled out time and I had a nice long bath before we had to go and do some boring shopping, that was about it for the day but I did get to drive the special cars at Masdar city. We couldn't go very far as the car is like an over as it was 43-45' outside and the cold air is STILL not fixed, when we arrived at the shops mummy got out the car she was pulling at her clothes and looking at her shorts, I asked her what was she looking at and she said it was to see if it looked like she had wee'd herself (something to do with sweat), I said "Are your shorts broken? or your pants?"        

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