Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Last pony club :(

Me, Dr Pepper, and his Groom
I was sad today as its the last pony club, as the pony's are all going on holiday to a place that's a bit colder as Abu Dhabi is too hot for them now, I hope they have a good time as I really like them and they deserve a nice holiday after all their hard work - giving us all rides every week. I had a good time there and had a last ride on my favorite pony 'Dr Pepper', he was good and even went fast for me, I'll miss him as I won't be able to come to pony club when they get back after the summer, as I'll be at school. Daddy says I might be able to come to the stables on Saturdays to do the long rides (round the grounds), hopefully all my friends will come to, I'll let daddy sort that out. It was hot today and I think everyone just wanted to stay indoors, when we finished on the pony's, but I wanted to play so I dragged daddy outside to play with me. Eventually Max came out to play (but Noah and Reis were not there today) so it was just us, we had fun but had to go home after a while, Max went in his car today as his mummy is clever and passed her driving test. I wanted to go with them, but daddy said I had to go with him. On the way home we quickly went into some shops to get mummy's camera, the man STILL didn't have it and I think daddy wanted to be very naughty, he had that look on his face (if it was mummy she would have, I still think she might yet). Daddy let me go to the play area for a bit then we went home, I had a little day sleep, and when I woke up there was a crane at the university I wanted to go see it, so daddy and me went for a nice walk and watched the men making the new bridge, after our walk we came back home and I went to play with grace and Amelia, until mummy came home then it was time for T3B's.

Mummy was telling me that someone had upset my good friend Shain

Neo - "Lets kick them or punch them"
Mummy - "We can't do that, it's naughty"
Neo - "OK then slam the door on them ........... or tip rubbish on them and they will get it in there mouth"

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