Sunday, 13 May 2012

Nasty Ants ...

Today was back to nursery, but we didn't give Abdullah a lift as he i staying at his nannies house, when I was at nursery I got join in with the splash time as daddy remembered my towel and change of clothes today. In my class I was making a sheep and really liked gluing the wool on him. At lunch time daddy came to pick me up which was strange and I wasn't happy as I was supposed to go with Abdullah to his nannies after nursery so we could play, but nursery said it was something to do with the ants in my hair. The rest of the day was fairly chilled and daddy put some more stuff and combed my hair again, but that was about it for the day.

Neo - "I don't like these ants, they stop me from going to Abdullah's nannies house"


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