Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Funky pants ...

Mummies still not any better today but she went to work anyway, I got up to say goodbye to her I thought she should stay (I was even hanging off her leg like a dead weight, as she was walking out of the door) but she wasn't having it. After she left me and daddy played, I raced him with my breakfast he had to do all the washing up before I ate my porridge, I won of course. When we had done playing and sorting all the washing and other things that daddy has to do, we went swimming to the big pool - I did loads of proper swimming, I'm getting quite good at this now and keep throwing my woggle and float away as I don't really need them as I can always get to the edge or to daddy if I need to. Daddy still hasn't got the cold air fixed in the car, he says they will do it on Sunday, that's ages away and its very hot without it, by the time we got home from swimming, we were so soaked from sweating in the heat, we might as well stayed in our swimming stuff. Not long after we got home Abdullah's mummy came to get me, we went off to pick Abdullah up from nursery (he's lucky, he gets to go every day ) then we went to his nannies, which is good as I didn't get to go there other day, and we even went to the mall to play in the 'learn and play area' which is a bit like a massive nursery - I liked it.

I decided I was going to help daddy get dressed this morning, as this meant we would get to go swimming earlier.

Daddy  - "Neo, Can you please get me some pants from that drawer?"
Neo  - "OK, I'm getting you some funky ones, as you haven't got any Buzz Lightyear ones "


  1. Just to say Neo that I really enjoy reading about your great adventure xx

    1. Thank you for your kind comment - over the next couple of months my great adventure is going to really become an adventure, as mummy breaks up for the summer we're off on our travels - Bangladesh, England and possibly Belgium. X
